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approx. length: 7min 14sec
approx. wait: 1min(28k/56k)

Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) is working to solve the challenge of helping schools and military installations deliver accurate, timely information to meet transitioning parent and student needs, and in the development and education of children from military families.

The Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA) is a national organization comprised of heavily impacted military school district - that is, school districts with a high concentration of dependents of military personnel. MISA members work with their elected officials, military leaders, and organizations in their home states and in Washington, D.C. The districts work to secure support and understanding as well as to ensure reauthorization and adequate funding of the Impact Aid Program.

Whether you are a military child, parent, leader or educator, this site contains an abundance of information, tools and resources to help meet your unique needs.

National Military Family Association (NMFA) activities revolve around programs to educate the public, the military community, and the Congress on the rights and benefits of military families AND to advocate an equitable quality of life for those families.

School Connectedness - Extending Connections to Military Children provides an overview of school connectedness and highlights the specific implications for military children. (done by The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Johns Hopkins Center on School, Family and Community Partnerships)

SOAR is a program for military families and the school districts that serve them. It aims to address the unique challenges facing military children in our nation's public schools

Educational Resources of the U.S. Geological Survey serving primary and secondary education (K-12) repositories, reports, publications, maps, aerial photography.


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