Public speaking group empowers ACC-RI employees
Michael DeBisschop, ACC-RI contract specialist and ITC president, (at podium) speaks with Steve Slininger, an ITC member from Joint Munitions Command.

ROCK ISLAND, Ill. -- Communication skills are essential for successful contracting professionals and a few Army Contracting Command-Rock Island employees are actively engaged in exercising their public speaking abilities at monthly international training in communication meetings.

The Arsenal Island ITC, also known as POWERtalk International, is a business-oriented public speaking group that is available to all organizations on Rock Island Arsenal. ACC-RI employees currently comprise the bulk of ITC participants and hold four of the five officer roles: Michael DeBisschop, president; Angela Quinn, vice president; Bridget Purdy, secretary; and Andrea Lovell, parliamentarian.

The group meets between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month. Since the meetings are considered training, ACC-RI may pay the associated fees and provide participants continuous learning points.

"I think that had the ITC not been available to me, I would not be practicing public speaking on a regular basis," said Quinn. "This opportunity is wonderful and is helping me get even more
comfortable with the idea of speaking in front of people for any purpose - work, personal, anything."

DeBisschop believes the group membership offers many benefits, including building communication skills necessary to move into ACC-RI leadership roles, networking with people in other commands and applying skills to civic organizations in the local community.

He also said that both introverts and extroverts can benefit by attending meetings.

"I think people, such as myself, who are quick to give opinions can overshadow the ability of other people to contribute," said DeBisschop. "It teaches me to be more controlled and to help
bring people into conversations. For those people who are more likely to sit back and allow other people to speak, this is a place where people gain the confidence to speak up, contribute and bring a different perspective to work functions."

One benefit that goes beyond public speaking is increasing individuals' workplace flexibility. For example, one of the ITC officials was unable to attend the Sept. 11 meeting, resulting in Quinn performing additional tasks.

"During the workday, there is an idea on how things are going to go, but at the last minute, due to work constraints, the schedule changes so we need to be very flexible and adaptive," said DeBisschop. "As Angie demonstrated by taking on multiple roles that weren't assigned to her previously -- it really increases our ability to adapt."

As newly installed officers, DeBisschop and Quinn hope that more people from ACC-RI will join the ITC. Currently there are 11 members, but the ITC can have up to 30 members. This group definitely benefits individuals who have issues with public speaking, interviews, speaking up at team meetings, speaking up in high-visibility meetings and even speaking up at the town hall, said Quinn.

"I want people to hear about the ITC, show an interest in the group, become a part of it and participate in it regularly."

Page last updated Fri October 19th, 2012 at 00:00