REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala.--Eight current and former Army Contracting Command employees have been recognized by the Department of Defense and the U.S. AbilityOne Commission for their work supporting the AbilityOne Program.

They received the AbilityOne Commitment in Action Award, announced Oct. 9 by Richard Ginman, DOD's director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy.

AbilityOne creates employment and training opportunities for people who are blind or who have other severe disabilities, empowering them to lead more productive and independent lives. Its primary means of doing so is by requiring government agencies to purchase selected products and services from nonprofit organizations employing such individuals.

ACC's recipients are:
• Jason Detko, chief, Contracting Policy/Head of the Contracting Activity Support Division, ACC Contracting Operations, Redstone Arsenal
• Arthur Harris Jr., acting chief, Contract Closeout, ACC-National Capital Region, Alexandria, Va.
• Carol Lowman, who retired in August as ACC's deputy to the commanding general, Redstone Arsenal
• Henry Molnar, procurement analyst, Contracting Policy/Head of the Contracting Activity Support Division, ACC Contracting Operations, Redstone Arsenal
• Michael Patterson, chief, Field Support Division, ACC Contracting Operations, Redstone Arsenal
• Tim Pugh, who retired in September as chief, Business Process and Field Support Section, Mission and Installation Contracting Command, Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas
• Mark Vaccaro, procurement analyst, 409th Contracting Support
• Former ACC-NCR employee Jackie C. Woodson, who was competition advocate and chief, Contract Closeout.

"These awards symbolize ACC's commitment to the AbilityOne program," said Maj. Gen. Camille M. Nichols, ACC commanding general. "I'm proud of the work we do every day to help our brothers and sisters with severe disabilities. I'm especially proud of our award winners, and that ACC employees earned eight of the nine awards presented to the Army."

Ginman said his office and the AbilityOne Commission have been working during the past year to
recognize acquisition professionals who "demonstrated a commitment in action to increasing business with AbilityOne. I congratulate these award recipients and express appreciation to our workforce for their steadfast support of the AbilityOne Program."

Ginman said the DOD continues to be AbilityOne's largest customer, procuring more than $1.8 billion of products and services in fiscal year 2011.

Page last updated Fri October 19th, 2012 at 00:00