Thursday, February 21, 2013
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ACT conducts smart experimentation in support of Smart Defence

121018seesim01-350The Distributed Training and Exercises (DTE) experiment in conjunction with the regional South Eastern Europe Simulation Exercise (SEESIM 12) culminated at the National Military Training Centre outside Sofia, Bulgaria from 15 -19 October.

The DTE experiment was sponsored by the Deputy Chief of Staff, Joint Force Trainer (JFT). SEESIM 12, co-hosted by U.S. European Command, is one of Europe's largest computer-assisted crisis management/disaster response exercises. SEESIM 12 was effectively distributed to ten other Exercise Control Forward sites supporting national Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) to include the cities of Belgrade, Kiev, Podgorica, Rome, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Tirana and Zagreb and the South-Eastern Europe Brigade Headquarters EOC in Larissa.

Inducted in 2000, the SEESIM series was originally a United States initiative within the framework of the South Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial (SEDM) process. Today SEESIM 12 is the sixth Exercise in the twelve year span; however, this year is pivotal as it marks the first year the exercise included NATO organisations and tools.

This crucial presence of NATO within the SEESIM 12 is in alignment with several NATO initiatives. NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen on NATO's Industry Day iterated the need for greater emphasis to be placed on NATO-led training and exercises further stating: "We want to make full use of the formidable array of national and NATO educational and training assets."

The collaborative effort to support ACT experimentation also serves as an example of Smart Defence. The JFT is supported by ACT's Capability Engineering Division of the Capability Development (CAPDEV) Directorate; other participants included the Joint Warfare Centre (JWC), Joint Force Training Centre (JFTC), Modelling and Simulation Centre of Excellence (M&S COE) and the NATO Communication and Information Agency (NCIA).

"The Smart Defence concept is about member nations and partners working together to deliver those capabilities that otherwise might not be delivered due to expense," said David Beckwith of the ACT Operational Experimentation (OPEX) Branch. "Working together we can exploit possibilities and we can create affordable solutions."

The experiment also assessed key technological capabilities known as the NATO Training Federation (NTF). Enhanced technological proficiencies were specifically developed for SEESIM 12 by U.S. Joint Staff J7, Joint and Coalition Warfighting with support from industry.

"The technology, which seeks to integrate multiple simulations of differing resolutions to better meet operational and tactical training, could be critical in meeting several ACT experiment objectives," stated ACT OPEX Branch Head, Captain James Byerly, US Navy.

Distributed exclusively to Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia, the NTF experiment provided insights on improving connectivity between nations in multinational exercises and whether such enhancements should be adopted by NATO and sustained in the future.

"Attainment of this technological capability could have broader implications and help define NATO's role in connecting forces via technology", said ACT's Assistant Chief of Staff Capability Engineering, Italian Brigadier General Giovanni Fungo.

The Joint Exercise Management Module (JEMM), a tool sponsored by ACT, developed by NCIA and used by NTC's, was adopted as the exercise management tool for SEESIM12; its use in a non-NATO led multinational exercise will also be assessed as part of the experiment set.

Overall, the DTE experiment and SEESIM 12 sought to discover and inform the Alliance and Partner nations on NATO technology and how processes can enhance future multinational exercises. Experiment results could introduce innovative roles for the NATO training centres in multinational exercises regarding utilising NATO tools and procedures and help NATO bolster the use of exercises to sustain interoperability.

The results of the DTE experiment will be published in the Final Experiment Report in February 2013. For further information please contact Lieutenant Colonel James "Eddie" White, US Army, +1(757)747-3458.