Soldier Support Institute

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Soldier Support Institute Vision

SSI, as the Army's Soldier Support Integration Command strives to fully integrate within the Sustainment War Fighting Function by providing state of the art education and training to Soldiers and Civilians, developing adaptive leaders and building capabilities across the Human Resource and Financial Management domains in order to strengthen an all volunteer U.S. Army as America’s force of decisive action.

Brigadier General David K. MacEwen Commanding General

Brigadier General David K. "Mac" MacEwen is a native of Girard, Pennsylvania, he attended Clarion University of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1981 as a Distinguished Military Graduate of the Army ROTC program. Brigadier General MacEwen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from Clarion and a master's degree in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College.

Related Link: BG MacEwen's Complete Bio

CSDA Website now available. Type in the link below to visit the site. Currently the site is under research and development.

CASCOM One Stop now available, click here to visit the page.

Blackboard Trouble Tickets now online. Click either CAC or AKO for direct access.

The SSI Digital Library is now online. Click here to view.

Adjutant General School

Train and develop agile leaders and Soldiers who provide human resources and music support to the force. Develop human resource (HR) concepts, doctrine, training and organizational designs to support an expeditionary Army in war and in peace.

Financial Management School

Provide trained, ready, and agile military and civilian Leaders and develop complementary concepts, doctrine, organization, and material across the spectrum of Financial Management (FM) in support of America's Armed Forces in war and peace.

Recruiting and Retention School

Train and develop agile leaders and Soldiers who provide recruiting and retention support to the force. Develop recruiting and retention concepts, doctrine, training and organizational designs to support an expeditionary Army in war and in peace.

Army School of Music

Army Band Mission "The Army School of Music trains and educates Army band Soldiers and leaders; designs, develops and implements training; integrates unit capabilities, concepts and doctrine in order to build Army bands that are versatile and adaptable in Full Spectrum Operations."

Non Commissioned Officer Academy

Train and educate noncommissioned officers through relevant, objective evaluation to support ARFORGEN; growing adaptive leaders fostered in an environment that facilitates competence, confidence, creativity, and team-building to achieve success in any operating environment.

Soldier Support Institute Library

Welcome to the Soldier Support Institute Library! Looking for a valuable resource during your attendance SSI? The Library has Battle Analysis material, Historical Field Manuals, and the Commander's professional reading list. Click here to visit the Library.

SSI Significant Activities 20 Sep 2012

SSI Significant Activities (6-19 Oct 12)

A.  Commander’s Summary:

B.  TRADOC Commander’s Priorities.

     1.  Design the Army of 2020.

          a.  Grade Plate reductions.  The AG School Proponent continues to work with the field on impact as the result of proposed grade plate changes across the force to meet targeted reduction requirements by the Army G1.  Final proposals and approved recommendations are expected in November.

         b.  AAA Audit draft response.  The AG School provided comments to a draft of the Army Audit Agency’s report on AG Force Structure and the recommendations for how to best employ future structure.  A VTC is scheduled to receive an out brief at the end of October.

     2.  Leader Development.

         a.  Financial Management Captains’ Career Course 901-12 :

During the fourteenth week of training, 32 students were trained on disbursing (paying agent operations, completing the DD 1081, DD 2665, DD 2657, and SF 1219).  The classes consisted of practical exercises designed to apply knowledge and evaluate problem solving skills.  The week concluded with a comprehensive disbursing test.  During the fifteenth week, students trained on additional disbursing topics (opening and closing a Disbursing Station Symbol Number (DSSN), Limited Depository Account (LDA), resolving irregularities, and conducting central funding activities).  The week ended with student briefs and conducting manual disbursing and utilizing the Deployable Disbursing System (DDS).

          b. Hazing Prevention and Training. The EO Training Proponent Chief participated in a teleconference with the DA Equal Opportunity Training and Policy Chief, TRADOC Representatives, and other individuals from HQs DA staff to discuss the proposed Hazing Prevention and Training brief to the Institutional Training Council of Colonels scheduled for 23 Oct.  Recommendation for training follows 3 distinct lines of effort: 

            -  Revise the training program for EOAs at the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) to include hazing prevention;   

            -  Initial, direct  commander led Equal Opportunity training on Hazing Prevention to be completed by 2d quarter FY13 (or 3d Qtr), slide deck to be created that ensures all Army personnel are familiar with the current policy outlined in AR 600-20, Army Command Policy, paragraph 4-20, Hazing.  The slide deck will be located on the Army Training Network Site.  G-1 will collect training completion data;

            -  Incorporate Hazing Prevention in curriculum at IMT and PME.

         c. AGS Dining-In. On 11 October, the AGS conducted a student and cadre dining-in.  Participants included students from three Captains Career Courses and four Basic Officer Leaders Courses, totaling over 250 students. BG David K. MacEwen, SSI Commanding General, was the guest speaker.

     3.  Concepts & Doctrine.

            a. 307th BSB RCAAT.  The Chief of Proponency attended a Reverse Collection and Analysis Team (RCAAT) meeting via Defense Connect Online hosted by CASCOM on 16 October.  The unit recently returned from operations conducted in Afghanistan and discussed sustainment operations and capabilities provided.  The AG School provides subject matter expertise on HR Support operations which is an integrated part of the Sustainment Warfighting function.

    4.  Training and Education for the Future:

            a. Rapid Action Revision (RAR) of AR 600-20 Lesson Updates. The EO Proponent is updating one common core lesson for OES and NCOES and one lesson plan for the EO Leader’s Course in order to incorporate changes from the RAR of AR 600-20. In conjunction with the Training Development Directorate, the EO Proponent is completing training to allow the input of EO TSPs in the TDC network. The EO Training Proponent is currently performing annual maintenance of the Army Service Specific Training TSPs as well as the EO NET. 


     5.  Army and Joint Training.

              a.  Adjutant General (AG)/Human Resources (HR) Sustainment Course. The "Adjutant General (AG)/Human Resources (HR) Sustainment Course" is now available on the Army Learning Management system (ALMS) for reach back/sustainment training for all Active Army, Reserve Component (RC and NG) military and civilian personnel serving in a Battalion or Brigade S1 position.  Interested personnel can execute a "catalog search" on the ALMS to enroll in and complete the training.

               b. ALM 2015 Site Visit to Fort Huachuca, AZ.  CW5 Pam Johnson (SSI Learning Innovation Officer) and Mr. L.Z. Harrison (Branch Chief of AG Individual Training) visited Fort Huachuca, Az 10-11 Oct 12.  Fort Huachuca is at the vanguard of Army Learning Model (ALM) 2015 implementation, specifically as it relates to product design/redesign and leveraging technology.  The purpose of the visit was to meet with the Learning Innovation Office (LIO) and the Military Intelligence NCO Academy to glean lessons learned, discuss implementation strategies, and to review training and training products.  In support of ALM 2015, Fort Huachuca LIO has committed project managers, instructional designers, developers, and SMEs to collaborate, analyze, and design/redesign existing MI courses.  Equally vital is the Military Intelligence NCOA philosophy about training being hands-on, doctrinally based, and student centered.  The Military Intelligence NCOA on boarding process for instructors is a vital part in the indoctrination.  On boarding exposes instructors to NCOA processes and procedures, such as Staff and Faculty development courses, Instructor Resources Website, and a Student Website with a plethora of tools on self-directed learning.


              c. GFEBS Financials.  The Training Development Directorate’s Financial Management Branch has revised the GFEBS Financials Course and is conducting a joint internal review with the Financial Management School prior to the 29 October 2012 class start.  Five of the eight modules have been internally validated and the remaining three are scheduled to be internally validated no later than 19 October 2012.  Tests are complete, the Blackboard Master is created and 75% complete, the instructor and assistant instructors are identified, and the training schedule and welcome letter have been sent to the students who will attend the class.  All actions will be complete by October 25th.


                d. Postal Mobile Training Team (MTT).  The F5 Postal MTT course at Fort Hood, Texas started on 9 Oct and will conclude on 16 Nov 2012.  The MTT will train 27 Soldiers, the majority of which are assigned to the Special Troops Battalion, 4th SUS BDE.  Two certified postal instructors, GySgt Merriweather and SFC Grayer, are providing the training.

     6.  Plans and Operations.

a. Faculty Development Phase 1 (FDP1) Class Attendance

The Total Force Integrator for the Financial Management School (FMS), is registering all FMS assigned Drilling Individual Mobilization Augmentees to obtain the entry level instructor certification course as a requirement to teach the Reserve Component (RC) Captains Career Course.  This course is conducted at the Soldier Support Institute by the Staff and Faculty Development and introduces instructors to the “Command and General Staff College Experiential Learning Model,” or ELM.  The ELM serves as the methodology for both lesson plan design as well as the dominant teaching methodology for delivering curriculum.  One of the three assigned RC instructors is attending this class from 15-19 Oct 2012.  The other two instructors will be scheduled at a later date.  Completion of this course will provide our instructors the roadmap for how the Army will transform its training and education system to meet the Army Training and Doctrine Command initiative.

     7.  Capabilities Development Process and Sync.


a. Army FM Transformation.   CDID continues to provide support to the Army FM Transformation Main Exercise (MAINEX), which is scheduled for 16-18 Oct 2012 at Ft. Jackson.  The pros and cons of various Courses of Action (COA) will be discussed by more than 80 SMEs attending the MAINEX.  The Secretary of the Army and the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management & Comptroller (ASA (FM&C)), directed a review of Army FM along four lines of operations:


                        1. Processes/Procedures/Policies

                        2. Organizational Constructs

                        3. Workforce Composition

                        4. Technology


     8.  Adapt TRADOC. Nothing Significant.

     9.  Accessions Command Closeout. Nothing Significant.

C.  Other Significant Events.

      1.  Force Design Division (FDD):   Team FDD is actively engaged in the development of FM Optimization COAs; will participate in the MAINEX scheduled for 16-18 Oct 12;  10 Oct, FDD participated in a 20th SUPCOM VTC with ARCIC FDD to review grade plate review recommendations including those from CMF42 – the proponent relieved 20th SUPCOM subordinate units from 5 SFC reductions and instead made three SSG reductions, unit accepted trade off and risk went from high to moderate; FDD continues to work with MCCoE to resolve ASCC 5.4 shortfalls in CMF 36;  FDD has provided ARCIC FDD the numbers of spaces CMF36 requires relief for in order to lower its high risk assessment to moderate – CG, TRADOC briefed on CMF36 high risk units 10 Oct; Team FDD continues to work HROC FDU in concert with AGS, concept paper received from AGS and Organizational Design is now being prepared; FDD is currently working with the contracting community in order to re-write its FMSD rules of allocation; lastly, FMTP continues to reside in the FM Domain of the Army Portfolio Management System pending realignment by the Army G4, domains being considered are the Warfighter Mission Area and the Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area.               

         2. Financial Management School Change of Commandant COC) and Retirement Ceremony


The Soldier Support Institute Commanding General hosted the FMS COC, on 19 October.  Colonel Troy A. Clay relinquished his position as the Commandant of the Financial Management School and Chief of the Corps to Colonel Jeffrey C. Powell and was recognized for his 28 years of faithful service upon his retirement.

          3.  AGS Commandant Site Visit. COL Garlick conducted a site visit at Fort Bragg on 10 Oct and met with the FORSCOM G-1 to discuss records accuracy and operational training support. While at Fort Bragg, he visited both the Army Field Band and 82nd ABN Division Band and was the guest speaker for the Iron Mike Chapter of the AG Regimental Corps Association meeting.

         4.  Army School of Music (ASOM) Site Visit. The ASOM Commandant and Command Sergeant Major completed a trip to Kuwait where they oversaw the transition for the ARCENT Army Band Liaison Officer (LNO), conducted office calls with the ARCENT G1, and conducted a site visit to Kuwait National Guard Band, Camp Samoud, Kuwait City.  The ARCENT Army Band LNO reports to Commandant USASOM, USARCENT G1, and Chief, Army Bands under a MOU.  The LNOs primary responsibilities are to synchronize Army bands operations and theater entertainment, and ensure support for the Full Spectrum of Operations covering troop, command and diplomatic support across the AOR, while also serving as an SME for Commander, USARCENT/CFLCC for all deployed bands operations.  The outgoing LNO is CPT Dae Kim and incoming is MAJ Derrick Shaw.

D.  Significant Challenges. Nothing Significant.

E.  Upcoming Event/s.

    1.  Date: 31 Oct 12              BCTCDP Brief (FTL, KS)


    2.  Date: 31 Oct 12              TRADOC USR SVTC


    3.  Date: 17 Nov 12             Univ of South Carolina Ssalute to the Military Appreciation Day


    4.  Date: 3-5 Dec 12                        Active Shooter/MASCAL Exercise

  • AG Headlines
  • ASOM Headlines
  • FMS Headlines
  • IPTA Headlines
  • NCOA Headlines
  • RRS Headlines
Finance Headlines

Defense Comptrollership Program
FM 1-06, May 21st, 2010
Finance Corp Regimental Video
Diamond Saber
GFEBS On-Line Training

CSM GreenNew Financial School Command Sergeant Major

CSM Jeffrey C. Green is a native of Gober, TX, and  entered the Army on 13 June 1985 at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. In October of 1985, he graduated from the Financial Management Specialist Course AIT as the Distinguished Honor Graduate from Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana.

FM Net Launch

The Warfighter Training Support Package, Perform Disbursing Operations has been posted to the Army Training Network website  It is in an Adobe Portfolio containing material pertaining to Postal Support at the Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC) level for AC/RC units.

IPTA Headlines

Attention All Incoming Students


Air Force

Marine Corps

Directions and Maps

Fort Jackson or Columbia South Carolina

NCOA Headlines

Life Around the NCOA

NCO Academy Site Survey

Important Information/
Upcoming Events

AKO Portal Resources

Here you find Training Schedules, Advanced Reading, Pre-Execution Checklists along with additional NCOA resources.

RRS HeadlinesRRS now graduates all students in the ASU or Class A's with all awards. ALL STUDENTS must bring their DA Form 348 or OF 346 Military Drivers License.

School students are prohibited from bringing privately owned weapons to school.

All students reporting to the RRS resident courses must have a government credit card!

  • ARNG
  • USAR
  • TDD
  • Learning Resource Center
  • Lessons Learned
  • WTA
  • Mandatory Training

ARNG ResourcesClick Banner on the left for access to ARNG resources.

Army ReserveClick Banner on the left for access to USAR resources.

TDDTDD Headlines: Mobile Initiative underway.

Visiit us on Facebook! We look forward to your input.

LRC now operational. Visit the Learning Resource Center HERE for all your training sustainment needs.


SSI LRCThe SSI Learning Resource Center is designed to provide access to the latest Adjutant General, Financial Management, and Recruiting and Retention training material.  Resources are available for individual, collective, distributed learning to CAC (common access card) and AKO users.

Click here to explore the LRC.

AGS SharePoint Search

FMS SharePoint Search

RRS SharePoint Search

CDIDThe Lessons Learned Division (L2D) mission is to create an information sharing culture within the Army in which every Soldier, regardless of rank, is a collector of positive sustain and negative improve or change information. Soldiers have an opportunity and responsibility to submit both types of information through their chain of command. FM and HR professionals must keep in mind that Observations and Insights do not become a Lesson Learned until behavior has changed, usually through such mediums as doctrine, organization, training, etc. The L2D has several methods to collect relevant (Observations, Insights, and Lessons Learned (OILs) from the field i.e. Coordinate for an organizational visit to the SSI, review sample OIL inputs, or conduct a L2D on-site visit. The L2D will receive and vet all OILs provided and then submit those OILs identified as trends to the appropriate SSI directorate for their involvement in making appropriate changes to applicable Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership & Education, Personnel, & Facilities (DOTMLPF). The goal of L2D is to assist FM & HR organizations in accomplishing their mission with timely feedback of identified successes or failures from like FM & HR organizations within the Army inventory. Click here for more information.

SSI Mandatory Training Classes and SharePoint Tracking System

REMEMBER: When using your CAC Card select your EMAIL Certificate when accessing SharePoint. RRS Users, External Users, ARNG, and USAR will still use their AKO Credentials.

All registrations for mandatory training are now on SharePoint for ease of use and tracking by units.

You MUST complete the Registration Form after the training in order to recieve course credit. Printing of certificates for tracking is not required nor accepted. All completions will populate Army Enterprise Systems.

NOTE: You MUST turn off the pop up blocker in Internet Explorer(under tools)to complete dL training within the Army Enterprise.

Click Here to Log Into the Mandatory Training Site.


Train and educate Soldiers and Civilians in Financial Management, Human Resources Support, Music Support, Postal Operations, and Recruiting and Retention; develop complementary concepts, doctrine, organizations, and material to strengthen an all volunteer U.S. Army as America’s force of decisive action.

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