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Ambassador Kirk Meets with EU Government Leaders, Speaks with EU Union and NGO Leaders in Brussels

03/25/2010 - 5:01pm

This morning, Ambassador Kirk met with members of the leadership of the European Parliament, which plays a growing role in shaping European Union (EU) policies of interest to the United States. During the meeting, Ambassador Kirk discussed Obama Administration trade policy, developments in the Doha Round of WTO negotiations, and key U.S.-EU trade issues. The meeting was the first visit by a United States Trade Representative to the European Parliament.

Ambassador Kirk and EU Parliament Members
Ambassador Kirk with members of the leadership of the European Parliament, ©European Union, 2010 - Source: European Parliament

Ambassador Kirk and EU Parliament Members
Ambassador Kirk with members of the leadership of the European Parliament, ©European Union, 2010 - Source: European Parliament

Ambassador Kirk then met with new EU Agriculture Commissioner Dacian Ciolos. Commissioner Ciolos plays a significant role in shaping EU policies that impact U.S. farm exports not only to the EU, but also to markets in other countries where U.S. and EU agricultural exports sometimes compete. Ambassador Kirk talked to Commissioner Ciolos about U.S. concerns regarding EU food safety measures that the U.S. believes are not justified by scientific risk assessments and that restrict U.S. agricultural exports to the EU. The two also discussed the status of the Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations.

Ambassador Kirk and Minister Ciolos
Ambassador Kirk with EU Agriculture Commissioner Dacian Ciolos

This afternoon, Ambassador Kirk became the first United States Trade Representative to meet with leaders of Europe-based labor unions and non-governmental organizations that work on environmental and economic development issues. During the discussion, Ambassador Kirk sought to describe ways in which U.S. trade policies are supportive of the environmental, workplace, and development goals of the groups represented in the meeting. Ambassador Kirk and participants in the meeting all expressed appreciation for the opportunity to engage with each other on issues of common concern.

This evening, Ambassador Kirk participated in a dinner hosted by the Transatlantic Business Dialogue and the Transatlantic Policy Network for the U.S. officials and other U.S. participants in the German Marshall Fund Brussels Forum, which begins on Friday. During the dinner, Ambassador Kirk exchanged views on U.S. trade policy and on the role of the U.S.-EU economic relationship in promoting economic recovery with the CEOs of several U.S. companies and senior officials from the European Commission.