Glossary A-D

Abandoned. Materials that are discarded by being buried or landfilled, disposed of, burned or incinerated, or otherwise treated prior to disposal.

Anomaly Avoidance. Techniques employed on property known or suspected to contain UXO, other munitions that may have experienced abnormal environments (e.g., DMM), munitions constituents in high enough concentrations to pose an explosive hazard, or CA, regardless of configuration, to avoid contact with potential surface or subsurface explosive or CA hazards, to allow entry to the area for the performance of required operations.

Arming device. A device designed to perform the electrical or mechanical alignment necessary to initiate an explosive train.

Blow-in-place (BIP). To destroy UXO, by use of explosives, in the location the item is encountered.

BRAC: Base Realignment and Closure Act

Buried munitions. Munitions that have been intentionally discarded by being buried with the intent of disposal. Such munitions may be either used or unused military munitions. Such munitions do not include UXO that become buried through product use.

Caliber. The diameter of a projectile or the diameter of the bore of a gun or launching tube. Caliber is usually expressed in millimeters or inches. In some instances (primarily with naval ordnance), caliber is also used as a measure of the length of a weapon’s barrel.

For example, the term “5 inch 38 caliber” describes a munition used in a 5-inch gun with a barrel length that is 38 times the diameter of the bore.

Casing. The fabricated outer part of a munition designed to hold an explosive charge and the mechanism required to fire this charge.

Chain of Custody. The activities and procedures taken throughout the inspection, re-inspection and documentation to maintain positive control of MPPEH to ensure the veracity of the process used to determine the status of material as to its explosive hazard. This includes all such activities from the time of collection through final disposition.

Chemical Agent (CA). A chemical compound (to include experimental compounds) that, through its chemical properties produces lethal or other damaging effects on human beings, is intended for use in military operations to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate persons through its physiological effects. Excluded are research, development, testing and evaluation (RDTE) solutions; riot control agents; chemical defoliants and herbicides; smoke and other obscuration materials; flame and incendiary materials; and industrial chemicals.

Chemical Agent (CA) Hazard. A condition where danger exists because CA is present in a concentration high enough to present potential unacceptable effects (e.g., death, injury, damage) to people, operational capability, or the environment.

Chemical Warfare Material (CWM). Items generally configured as a munition containing a chemical compound that is intended to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate a person through its physiological effects. CWM includes V- and G-series nerve agents or H-series (mustard) and L-series (lewisite) blister agents in other-than-munition configurations; and certain industrial chemicals (e.g., hydrogen cyanide (AC), cyanogen chloride (CK), or carbonyl dichloride (called phosgene or CG)) configured as a military munition. Due to their hazards, prevalence, and military-unique application, chemical agent identification sets (CAIS) are also considered CWM. CWM does not include: riot control devices; chemical defoliants and herbicides; industrial chemicals (e.g., AC, CK, or CG) not configured as a munition; smoke and other obscuration producing items; flame and incendiary producing items; or soil, water, debris or other media contaminated with low concentrations of chemical agents where no CA hazards exist.

Chemical Warfare Material (CWM) Response. Munitions responses and other responses to address the chemical safety; explosives safety, when applicable; human health; or environmental risks presented by CA-filled munitions and CA in other than munitions configurations. (See munitions response.)

Chemical Agent (CA) Safety. A condition where operational capability and readiness, people, property, and the environment are protected from the unacceptable effects or risks of a mishap involving chemical warfare material (CWM).

Construction Support. Assistance provided by DoD EOD or UXO-qualified personnel and/or by personnel trained and qualified for operations involving CA, regardless of configuration, during intrusive construction activities on property known or suspected to contain UXO, other munitions that may have experienced abnormal environments (e.g., DMM), munitions constituents in high enough concentrations to pose an explosive hazard, or CA, regardless of configuration, to ensure the safety of personnel or resources from any potential explosive or CA hazards.

Closed range. A military range that has been taken out of service as a range and that either has been put to new uses that are incompatible with range activities or is not considered by the military to be a potential range area. A closed range is still under the control of a DOD component.

CTT: closed, transferred, and transferring ranges

Cultural Debris. Debris found on operational ranges or munitions response sites, which may be removed to facilitate a range clearance or munitions response, that is not related to munitions or range operations. Such debris includes, but is not limited to: rebar, household items (refrigerators, washing machines, etc.), automobile parts and automobiles that were not associated with range targets, fence posts, fence wire, and magnetic rocks.

DDESB: Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board

Department of Defense (DoD). The Executive Branch agency responsible for establishing, maintaining, and providing for the Nation’s defense. The DoD is composed of the military Services (i.e., Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps), Defense Agencies, and their respective components, including the Reserve Forces and National Guard.

DoD Explosives Safety Board (DDESB). The DoD organization charged with promulgation of ammunition and explosives safety policy and standards, and with reporting on the effectiveness of the implementation of such policy and standards.

Defense Sites. Locations that are or were owned by, leased to, or otherwise possessed or used by the Department of Defense. The term does not include any operational range, operating storage or manufacturing facility, or facility that is used for or was permitted for the treatment or disposal of military munitions. (10 U.S.C. 2710(e)(1))

Detonation. A violent chemical reaction within a chemical compound or mechanical mixture evolving heat and pressure. The result of the chemical reaction is exertion of extremely high pressure on the surrounding medium, forming a propagating shock wave that originally is of supersonic velocity. A detonation, when the material is located on or near the ground surface, is normally characterized by a crater.

Discarded Military Munitions (DMM). Military munitions that have been abandoned without proper disposal or removed from storage in a military magazine or other storage area for the purpose of disposal. The term does not include unexploded ordnance, military munitions that are being held for future use or planned disposal, or military munitions that have been properly disposed of consistent with applicable environmental laws and regulations. (10 U.S.C. 2710(e)(2))

Disposal. End of life tasks or actions for residual materials resulting from demilitarization or disposition operations.

Disposition. The process of reusing, recycling, converting, redistributing, transferring, donating, selling, demilitarizing, treating, destroying, or fulfilling other life-cycle guidance, for DoD property.

Documentation of the Explosives Safety Status of Material. Documentation attesting that material: (1) does not present an explosive hazard and is consequently safe for unrestricted transfer within or release from DoD control, or (2) is MPPEH, with the known or suspected explosive hazards stated, that is only transferable or releasable to a qualified receiver. This documentation must be signed by a technically qualified individual with direct knowledge of: (1) the results of both the material’s 100 percent inspection and 100 percent re-inspection or of the approved process used and the appropriate level of re-inspection, and (2) the veracity of the chain-of-custody for the material. This signature is followed by the signature of another technically qualified individual who inspects the material on a sampling basis (sampling procedures are determined by DoD entity that is inspecting the material).

Recognize, Retreat, Report  

RECOGNIZEwhen you may have encountered a munition.
RETREATdo not touch, move or disturb it, but carefully leave the area.
REPORTcall 911!

Last Modified: 22 December 2010 at 13:10