2012 Directors Guidance

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DLA Finance is the principal financial advisor to the Director, DLA and is the primary DLA advocate when working with the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) and the Office of Management and Budget.  DLA Finance also partners with many key DoD stakeholders and service providers, e.g., Congressional Authorization and Appropriation staff members, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics), and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service.

Mission: DLA Finance enables DLA mission accomplishment by obtaining resources and providing financial management stewardship through expert and timely guidance, planning, advice, and analysis.

Vision: Warfighter-focused, globally responsive, fiscally responsible supply chain leadership.


  Picture of J. Anthony Poleo, DLA Finance Director

Picture of Simone A. Reba, CDFM

J. Anthony Poleo
Director DLA Finance

Simone A. Reba, CDFM
Principal Deputy Comptroller