Baltic Sea Regional Defence Environmental Cooperation

A long-term plan of Plenary Meetings, Informal Secretariat (PPT)

BALTDEC Basics, Nele Veski, MoD Estonia (PPT)

Buried Sea Mines - Threat to the Security of the Baltic Sea Region, Ministry of Defence, Republic of Latvia (PPT)

Discussion With Other Co-Operation Bodies (Inventory A and B), Informal Secretariat (PPT)

Environmental Co-Operation in Baltic Sea Region, Review of Finlands MoD, Antti Kivipelto (PDF)

Environmental Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region: Views of the Ministry of the Environment of Estonia, Andres Kratovit (PPT)

Implementation of Strategy Action, Informal Secretariat (PPT)

Noise calculation program and Norwegian - Latvian cooperation project at dai Training Field, Cdr SG Jon Ole Siggerud (PPT)

Nordic Armaments Co-operation - Janina Szpilman (PPT)

Strategic Environmental Assessment - Swedish Armed Forces (PPT)

Terms of Reference for the Informal Secretariat, Johan Appelberg, Ministry of Defence, Sweden (PPT)

GE/US Environmental Technology DEA

Army Environmental Quality Technology 2002 Annual Report (PDF)


Memo on US Army Environmental Requirements and Technology Assessments (AERTA) high priority requirements (PDF)

Responding to Change:  The US/German Environmental Technology Exchange Agreement (PDF)

Article by Raymond J. Fatz, Depy Asst. Secy of the Army, ESOH

Shared Challenges, Shares Successes (PDF)

The purpose for the environmental technology annexes is to provide a framework for the exchange of data on environmental research and technologies, address common environmental challenges, and produce innovative technology solutions for the benefit of both countries. Representatives to the DEA focus their efforts on resolving high-priority environmental needs and addressing current requirements by matching needs, expertise and resources where maximum benefit can be obtained. At regularly scheduled meetings, U.S. and German colleagues meet to share information, to evaluate the successes and lessons learned from the environmental technologies currently being demonstrated, and to consider new and innovative technologies for future demonstration projects. This provides the flexibility to adapt their efforts to focus on high-priority environmental needs and requirements as they change.

Last Modified: 09 December 2010 at 16:48