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General Information
HR Advisor
HR Advisor: Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2011

Licensure Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does teaching in the military count as teaching experience for DoDDS?

It depends on the position for which one is applying. For example, if you are applying for a position as a non-certified vocational training instructor in a specialty area, then yes, such experience (minimum 2 ½ years) will generally be acceptable teaching experience for DoDDS. Otherwise, applicants must meet the minimum qualification requirements as outlined in Application Requirements and Information on our website and student teaching or minimum 1 year teaching experience in the subject area for which applying.

How can I get a DoDDS teaching certificate so I can be ready if I’m hired?

DoDDS certificates (provisional or professional) are only issued after hire.

I don’t have a teaching certificate. Can I get an emergency certificate to teach with DoDDS?

Emergency certificates are intended to support unique staffing needs, particularly when a position cannot be filled by a fully qualified, licensed applicant, and the position is essential to the instructional program. Emergency certificates are generally issued to applicants residing in the overseas location.

I have an emergency certificate in my state, will you accept that?

No. It is apparent that you do not meet certification requirements in your state and cannot be issued a temporary/provisional or professional license. However, it is recommended that you meet the conditions of your state emergency license before applying to DoDDS. State emergency license is non-transferable nor accepted by DoDEA. 

I have experience in a subject area, but it’s not on my state certificate. Since I have experience teaching it, can I be considered for such a job with DoDDS?

DoDEA does not generally substitute experience in lieu of the required course work, with the exception of a few teacher categories, i.e., prekindergarten, kindergarten, and vocational training instructor positions. Applicants must either meet DoDEA qualification requirements in a desired subject area or hold a current and valid state teacher’s certificate reflecting endorsement areas comparable to DoDDS.

What are the certification requirements to teach JROTC?

Please visit our website to view our qualification requirements for JROTC instructor.

What are the testing requirements to get a DoDDS certificate?

You can visit our website, item 9, to view DoDDS testing requirements, to include noting any exemptions to our testing requirements. DoDDS certificates (provisional or professional) are issued after hire.

What forms and documents are needed to be submitted for an ASL change?


What kinds of certificates does DoDEA issue?

DoDEA issues a Provisional certificate and a Professional certificate. The provisional certificate is issued to all newly hired educators. The provisional certificate is valid for two years. The professional certificate is then automatically issued to educators who meet the qualification requirements of the position(s) for which hired and have successfully completed 2 years in an educator position with DoDEA.

What’s the difference between State and National Board Certification?

State certification is a process which verifies that educators have been provided a standardized base-level of professional knowledge and skills to work in school systems, obtained normally by completing a state-approved educator preparation program, usually at a college or university. National Board Certification is an educator credential awarded for demonstrated, exemplary teaching, outstanding community service and extensive involvement in professional activities. The credential is earned through a 1-year professional development endeavor through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) located in San Antonio, Texas. DoDEA recognizes NBPTS certification.

Will my community college teaching certificate and experience qualify me for DoDDS certification?

No. Only state teaching certificates with endorsement in curriculum areas in prekindergarten through grade 12 are accepted by DoDEA. Experience of having taught at either the elementary, middle, secondary or college level does not solely qualify applicants for positions in DoDEA.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) For Current DoDDS Educators

Can I carry any excess credits over to the next Recertification cycle?

No. All course work taken must have occurred AFTER the date of last certificate issuance.

How do I add teacher categories to my DoDDS certificate?

Go to your K drive at: K:PER/PERCU/CERT-RECERT Form and print off the Request for Certification/Recertification form, attach official transcripts, and FAX all documents to (703) 588-5379 for evaluation. 

How often do I have to renew my DoDDS teacher’s certificate and what documents are required to be submitted to renew my certificate?

You must renew your DoDDS certificate every six years (Recertification cycle). Official transcripts must be presented to the Licensure Unit reflecting a minimum of six semester hours for purposes of Recertification. All course work taken must have occurred AFTER the date of last certificate issuance.

Which regulation covers my teacher certification and how can I gain access to it?

DoDEA Regulation 5000.9 dated June 25, 2003, Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Educator Licensure Program. The regulation can be accessed on the DoDEA website, scroll down to the regulation number, click, and view.

Why do I have to keep a current and valid DoDDS teacher’s certificate?

DoDEA has to verify that an individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements for a given professional certificate and assure the public that only properly trained individuals are allowed to instruct and administer its academic programs.