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Serves as an information clearinghouse, advocacy and educational organization for its 230 community-sponsored long-term health care facilities (retirement communities, campuses, nursing homes, assisted living facilities) and housing (elderly, congregate and independent living units).

The Center for Aging and Diversity addresses, through research and training, health disparities in later life, provides a forum in which to discuss and examine ethnic, racial and cultural variation in life course processes and disseminates research findings to the academic and lay community on the health of older diverse populations.

An independent agency, helping local elders be self-reliant while living in the homes of their choice as long as possible.

An advocacy organization that develops demonstration projects and ongoing direct service programs. It has ongoing employment and training programs in several states and a demonstration project for outreach, case finding and case management in Seattle, WA.

A direct service and advocacy organization that focuses on issues affecting low-income and minority elderly.

A nationwide network of individuals, chapters, affiliates, and member organizations. It sponsors training and educational enrichment programs in collaboration with community-based organizations, state and national organizations, and education institutions. The advocacy function of the NHCOA is carried out through research and program evaluation, leadership, and development of educational materials.

Native American elders often share needs that are taken for granted by other elder populations.

In 1997, the National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health established the Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) initiative as part of the effort to reduce health disparities between minority and non-minority older adults.


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