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KORUS Committees and Working Groups

The U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement established a number of committees and working groups to discuss and resolve issues that may arise in those areas. Meetings of these committees and working groups have not yet been scheduled, but USTR will work closely with Korea to arrange an appropriate schedule in the near future. Information on the mandate of each committee and working group, as well as information on how frequently meetings of those groups should be held, can be found in the articles of the agreement (identified below) that establish the respective groups. For further questions, please contact our Korea office at or (202) 395-5070.

Committee or Working Group NameChapter
Joint Committee22: Institutional Provisions and Dispute Settlement (Art. 22.2)
Committee on Trade in Goods 2: National Treatment and Market Access for Goods (Art. 2.14) 
Committee on Agricultural Trade3: Agriculture (Art. 3.4) 
Committee on Textiles and Apparel Trade Matters4: Textiles and Apparel (Art. 4.4) 
Medicines and Medical Devices Committee 5. Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices (Art. 5.7)
SPS Committee 8. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (Art. 8.3) 
TBT Committee9. Technical Barriers to Trade (Art. 9.8)
Automotive Working Group 9. Technical Barriers to Trade (Annex 9-B)
Committee on Trade Remedies 10: Trade Remedies  (Art. 10.8)
Professional Services Working Group 12: Cross-Border Trade in Services (Annex 12-A) 
Financial Services Committee 13: Financial Services (Art. 13.16)
Insurance Working Group 13: Financial Services (Annex 13-C)
Government Procurement Working Group17: Government Procurement (Art. 17.10)
Labor Affairs Council19: Labor (Art.19.5)
Environmental Affairs Council 20: Environment (Art. 20.6)
Committee on Outward Processing Zones22: Institutional Provisions and Dispute Settlement (Annex 22-B)
Fisheries Committee22: Institutional Provisions and Dispute Settlement (Annex 22-C)
Committee on Services and Investment Established by exchange of letters Oct 30, 2011.  Covers Investment, Cross-Border Trade in Services, and Telecommunications (Chapters 11, 12, and 14) 
Working Group on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)Oct 30, 2011 exchange of letters