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The United States Army

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STAND-TO! Edition: Friday, April 20 2012

Today's Focus:

Army Earth Day 2012: Sustaining the Environment, for a Secure Future

Senior Leaders are Saying

The Army has long been at the forefront on finding and implementing ways to protect, preserve, conserve and restore the natural environment in which we live, work and train.

- Senior Leader message

Read the complete Tri-signed: Army Earth Day Message, April 22, 2012

What They're Saying

Predictability kills. Travel down a road, and you're very predictable. You're only going one of two directions. That makes it very easy for our enemy to place IEDs (improvised explosive devices) or (set up) ambushes that kill our Soldiers.

- Staff Sgt. Richard Johnson, Pathfinder School instructor from Fort Benning, Ga., emphasizing that the use of air drops, as opposed to resupplying by way of ground transportation, can reduce the risk of roadside bombs and add to the Army's flexibility on the battlefield.

Army, Air Force conduct joint air drop training

A Culture of Engagement


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Today's Focus

Army Earth Day 2012: Sustaining the Environment, for a Secure Future

What is it?

Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22, 1970. The campaign for Earth Day began as a grassroots effort to teach about environmental stewardship, create an awareness of the environment's fragility, and ultimately, to thrust that awareness into the mainstream of American society. The campaign caught on quickly and evolved into what we now celebrate as Earth Day each April 22.

What has the Army done?

The U.S. Army celebrates Earth Day at approximately 200 installations, major commands and organizations in the United States and around the world. The Army' s Earth Day theme, Sustaining the Environment, for a Secure Future, reflects our commitment to meet the current and future needs of Soldiers, their families, and the nation through the sound stewardship of environmental resources. We are vigilant in protecting over 200 endangered or threatened species that make their homes on military installations worldwide. The Army is also focusing on managing our natural resources with a goal of Net Zero installations. We are creating a culture that recognizes the value of sustainability measured not just in terms of financial benefits, but benefits to maintaining mission capability, quality of life, relationships with local communities, and the preservation of options for the Army's future.

Events vary from Earth Day fairs with educational exhibits, to tree plantings, to other initiatives that actually sustain installation operations. If you would like additional information, Earth Day materials or event ideas, please visit the U.S. Army Environmental Command and for Net Zero information visit Engineering Knowledge Online.

Why is this important to the Army?

Army leaders understand the interdependence of military mission requirements, our natural environment and community well-being. From this strategy, environmental stewardship becomes a mission enhancer. It leads to better training lands, improved recreational opportunities, healthier communities, and new partnerships. Environmental sustainability is now part of every installation's and unit's operations, from munitions production to live-fire training, from our housing areas to our forward operating bases.

What's planned for the future?

The Army's observance of Earth Day provides an opportunity to emphasize the interdependence of our military's mission with our natural environment and the well-being of our communities. On Earth Day, we remind ourselves that environmental sustainability is everyone's responsibility. Consider the boot print you make, the impact you have on our resources, whether you are on an installation, deployed, or in your home. Our goal is to conserve and preserve while we serve.

Army Green is Army Strong.


Earth Day materials: U.S. Army Environmental Command

Engineering Knowledge Online

STAND-TO!: Net Zero

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