General Information
HR Advisor
HR Advisor: Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2011

The Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP)

The Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP) provides for priority consideration of well-qualified displaced employees from other Federal agencies who apply for vacancies in the local commuting area and within the time frames indicated on the vacancy announcement. The employee must be determined to be well-qualified for the position. The ICTAP is applied when filling vacancies from outside the Department of Defense.

Interagency Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP) applicants:

  1. must have a current (or a last) performance rating of at least fully successful;
  2. be applying for a position that is at or below the grade of the position from which you were separated and has no greater promotion potential than the position from which separated, and;
  3. must be rated at least satisfactory in all of the Ranking Factors.

If applying under the Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP) please write -ICTAP applicant” on the first page of your application package. In addition, you must submit a narrative response to the Ranking Factors listed in the vacancy announcement. Your narrative should concisely address the knowledge, skills, and abilities listed under Ranking Factors.

Proof of eligibility is also required. You may submit the following as proof of eligibility: (1) RIF separation notice; (2) documentation showing that you were separated as a result of declining a transfer of function or directed reassignment to another commuting area; (3) official certification from an agency stating that the agency cannot place you if your injury compensation has been or is being terminated; (4) official notification from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that your disability annuity has been or is being terminated; (5) Interagency Placement Program Suspense letter issued by OPM; or (6) documentation that you are a former Military Reserve Technician or National Guard Technician who is receiving a special disability retirement annuity from OPM.

Please contact the Staffing Section at (703) 588-3989 if you have any questions. Questions may also be submitted via email to: