Videos tagged with "Combined Endeavor"

  • Ceremony Marks Opening of multinational exercise Combined Endeavor 2012

    September 14, 2012

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    International agencies and partner nations mark the beginning of the multinational computer and communications exercise Combined Endeavor 2012 Sept 6. Air Force Tech Sgt. Esteban Esquivel reports from Grafenwoehr, Germany.
  • Combined Endeavor 2011 Exercise

    December 8, 2011

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    Combined Endeavor 2011 is the world's largest communications interoperability exercise, preparing international forces' command, control, communications and computer systems for multinational operations. Hosted by USEUCOM, this year's exercise has made great strides in moving from functional testing towards operational testing.
  • Cyber Endeavor 2011

    December 8, 2011

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    Cyber Endeavor is the United States European Command's paramount cyber security collaboration, familiarization and engagement program designed to strengthen partner nation cyber defense capacities through seminars, events and exercise support. Cyber Endeavor builds cyber defense partnerships with NATO, partner nations, academia and industry. Its purpose is to improve force readiness for deployment in support of exercises, multinational crisis response and future missions.
  • Combined Endeavor Planning Conference

    March 29, 2010

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    Combined Endeavor is the world's largest military communications exercise. Dozens of countries will test their communications and information systems. The exercise takes place in September of this year, but not before some intense planning.
  • Combined Endeavor 09

    September 17, 2009

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    For the first time, the EUCOM sponsored communications exercise Combined Endeavor has moved out of Germany and into Bosnia. SSgt Jason David in is Banja Luka with this report.