Making New Friends

Youth Sponsorship

One of the easiest ways for your child to make new friends is to become involved in an activity or program that gives him or her the opportunity to meet several people. Doing your research ahead of time about the different ways to get your child involved will give him or her a head start at making new friends.

Use MilitaryINSTALLATIONS and research your new location's Youth Sponsorship Program. Many installations have Youth Sponsorship Programs that will pair your child with a child who is similar in age and already living in your new location. This can be your child's first connection to the new location. A youth sponsor can introduce your child to his or her social group, answer questions your child has, and point out all the fun places where the kids hang out.

Research the local community. If your child is involved in an activity currently, see what you can set up for him or her in your new location. Is there a soccer league he or she could join right away? What does the local YMCA offer? Can your child transfer Boy/Girl Scout troops? Is there a park or a place where the kids hang out?

Encourage your child to try something new. If your child wasn't involved in many activities in your old location, it may be time to try something new. If kids in your new area are into a certain sport or activity, encourage your child to give it a shot or offer to sign him or her up for lessons.

Join something together. If your child is apprehensive about getting involved in a new activity, see if there's something parents and children can do together. Can you join a yoga class together? What about volunteering somewhere? This may ease your child’s anxiety about joining other activities later.

Help your child see his or her strengths. If you know joining a sports team will make your child miserable, see if you can figure out what type of activity he or she would excel in. If it's theater, help your child find an outlet for that. Your child will be happier and more likely to make friends if he or she is around people who share the same interests.

Making New Friends - Youth Sponsorship

Helpful Tips

Be careful not to overdo it.  Sometimes we want so much for our children that we push them too much.  Be sure to step back and ask your child before you over-involve him or her.  Your child may feel inadequate or like he or she is letting you down if you push too hard.