Videos tagged with "Saber Strike"

  • Saber Strike 12 wraps up

    June 27, 2012

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    As Saber Strike 12 draws to a close, SFC Adam Shaw takes a moment to reflect on what the exercise means for the participating militaries, the troops, and the world.
  • Keeping the operation moving

    June 27, 2012

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    For any exercise, there is a command post to keep things moving. For Saber Strike 12, it's no different. SSG Tim Chatlos takes us inside.
  • Cavalry troops train to be ready for any situation

    June 27, 2012

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    From the vehicle to the ground, the 2nd Cavalry Regiment trains for it all. SGT Carl Greenwell tells us a little about what they were training on at Exercise Saber Strike 12.
  • Estonians amazed by Air Force aircraft

    June 15, 2012

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    At a new air base in Estonia, they welcomed foreign attack planes and aerial refuelers. Many got the chance to see something they've never seen before. A1C Michael Mason takes us there.
  • Marines share tactics with international partners

    June 15, 2012

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    Marines are never ones to shy away from combat. SSgt Alex Farver introduces us to a group of Marines sharing more than their tactics with international partners.
  • A lesson in urban combat

    June 15, 2012

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    Canadian troops participating at Saber Strike 2012 kicked off the exercise with some intense urban combat training. SSgt Alex Farver gets us in on the action.
  • Saber Strike 2012

    June 15, 2012

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    Service members from all over the world have gathered for Saber Strike 2012 in Latvia. SSgt Alex Farver has coverage from the opening ceremony.