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Workforce Development Forum

October 2, 2012

Join us this October for our third Workforce Development Forum. Learn about promising workforce development program strategies and innovative policy interventions taking root throughout the country. For more information, click here. Read More

2013 NCLR Capital Awards

March 5, 2013

The NCLR Capital Awards is the only Hispanic event that recognizes members of Congress from both sides of the aisle for their outstanding support of public policies that are vital to Hispanic Americans. Click here for more information. Read More

NCLR Annual Conference

July 20, 2013

The 2013 NCLR Annual Conference, with over fifty workshops, four town halls, five key meal events including the Latinas Brunch and the NCLR Awards Gala, and its multiple networking events is poised to be our biggest Conference yet! Read More

Latest News

Advocates Demand Presidential Candidates Share Detailed Plans to Address Housing Crisis

October 16, 2012
Frustrated by the lack of consideration both presidential candidates have given to resolving the housing crisis, advocates from local community centers in Chicago and Boston visited both President Barack Obama’s… Read More

The Voter Registration Clock is Ticking in Three States Today

October 16, 2012
If you live in Nevada, Maryland or New Jersey today is your last chance to register to vote. Read More

Get Properly Prepared for Election Day

October 16, 2012
With voter suppression laws popping up all over the country, knowing what you can and can’t do on Election Day can be confusing—or even discouraging. Read More

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