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* Note: The deadline for the ROA scholarship has been extended to Nov. 6, 2011.

The 442nd Fighter Wing Reserve Officer Association provided scholarships to three recipients in 2008. Here emcee, Tech. Sgt. Leo Brown announces their names to members of the 442nd FW. From the left are Sergeant Brown, Master Sgt. Vickie Chambers, who presented the scholarships on behalf of the 442nd ROA, and two scholarship recipients, Lynnae Lawson, daughter of Tech. Sgt. David Lawson, 442nd Services Flight, and Joni Woods, step-daughter of Tech. John Straka, 442nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. The third scholarship went to Fransienna Hogan, wife of Senior Master Sgt. Russ Hogan, 442nd Maintenance Operations Flight, who was unable to attend the presentation.

The Reserve Officers Association (ROA) scholarship is a one-time annual stipend in the amount of $600 designed for use in acquiring an initial undergraduate degree or technical certificate. The requirements for applying for the scholarship are as follows:


A. Background of Scholarship Applicants

A scholarship applicant must fall into one of the following categories:

1. An enlisted member of the 442 FW or attached GSU

2. The spouse of an officer or enlisted member of the 442 FW or attached GSU

3. A direct child of an officer or enlisted member of the 442 FW or attached GSU. Sons, daughters, stepsons, stepdaughters and adopted children may apply. Under no circumstances will the applicant of the officer or enlisted member be a mother, father, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, cousin, grandparent, grandchild, step-relative other than the accepted ones listed above, or foster child.

4. A commissioned officer may not apply for this scholarship.

5. A previous awardees of the scholarship may not apply for the scholarship again. The scholarship will never be awarded to the same person twice regardless of the amount of time elapsed between the time the applicant was awarded the scholarship originally and the time the applicant tries to apply again.

6. A scholarship committee member may not apply for this scholarship. Direct children or spouses of scholarship committee members are also ineligible for this scholarship.

B. Verification of Scholarship Applicant Background

All applicants, by signing their application, are subject to eligibility verification via information provided on the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). If applicant eligibility information is not accessible via DEERS, the application is automatically rejected.

C. GPA Requirement

None. However, it must be clearly understood that the scholarship is not awarded until the applicant furnishes written proof at the end of the current semester that all grades received for all courses taken were of a grade "C" or better. If any course taken was a Pass/Fail course, the grade must be a "P."

D. University/College/Technical School Requirement

The university/college/technical school the applicant uses the scholarship for must be an accredited institution.

E. University/College/Technical School Course Load

The applicant must attend their university/college/technical school at least half-time. No applicant attending less than half-time is eligible for this scholarship. Exception: If this is the applicant's last class prior to receiving his or her initial undergraduate degree or technical certificate, the applicant must furnish proof in the form of a dated letter from his or her university/college/technical school advisor or registrar concerning the applicant's current degree/technical certificate completion status. Once the accuracy of this information is verified, the applicant's scholarship application will be considered.

The scholarship grant application is a one-page form that is available at the 442nd Wing Education Office. Once the applicant fills in basic information identifying who he or she is, the applicant checks a box in which they identify how they are involved with the 442nd FW, including GSU's & Detachments (self, spouse, child). Below this information is an essay topic. The topic is usually patriotic in nature, although the appointed scholarship committee may choose any topic desired. The written essay contains between 500-750 words. Any essay that does not meet this requirement will be rejected. Once the applicant completes their essay, the applicant attaches it to the scholarship grant application and delivers it to the wing education office by the set cutoff date. Once the cutoff date has passed, all applications received will be evaluated by the scholarship grant board. Although not required, it is recommended all applicants attach an additional sheet of paper listing any community involvement or volunteer work completed for the scholarship grant board members to use in the evaluation process. Any type of community service may be listed. This may include, but is not limited to, donating blood, any work involving a church, any work involving a charitable national organization, or any work involving a local organization which helps improve conditions in the local community.

Applications are available from the wing education office or they may be obtained online here, complete with instructions. All applications are due no later than  noon, Nov. 6, 2011. For more information on this scholarship, contact Lt. Col. Christina M. Marks at tankgirl66@charter.net or (660) 687-3517 or Master Sgt. (ret.) Anita Brenberger at (660) 687-3527.

Essay question for 2011 ROA scholarship: 

"As the 10th anniversary for the 9/11 attacks nears, what lessons should be learned from the attacks, and what obligations does my generation have toward our country and world to ensure that such attacks never happen again?"

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