Tag Archives: Inclusion

Discussing Special Education Teacher Prep at Eastern Michigan

Last Friday, I had a great opportunity to participate in a roundtable at Eastern Michigan University (EMU) on special education teacher preparation, recruitment and retention. With six other distinguished panelists that included a state and district representative, an EMU faculty … Continue reading

Posted in Back to School Tour 2011, Headlines, News, Teacher Practitioner, Teachers, Teaching Profession | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Physical Fitness for All

Throughout May, the White House and Department of Education have celebrated Physical Fitness and Sports month—an annual reminder to us all of the importance of physical activity in our daily life. Yesterday, I  joined Andrea Cernich with the President’ s … Continue reading

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Arne Answers Questions from the Council for Exceptional Children

“In order to win the future, President Obama has challenged us that we must enable every single American to reach their potential,” said Secretary Duncan in a recent Q&A with members of the Council of Exceptional Children (CEC). “Every child, … Continue reading

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Hold Fast to Dreams: Helping All Students Succeed

Click here for an alternate version of the video with an accessible player. Enjoy this great new video highlighting Secretary Duncan’s visit to Beers Elementary last Monday and his speech to the American Association of People with Disabilities Conference the … Continue reading

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Inclusive Schools

When I was in kindergarten, my neighborhood friends and I waved goodbye to our families and set off for our first day of school. All except one. My friend with down syndrome didn’t board the bus with us that day. … Continue reading

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Duncan and Team Get First-hand Look at Successful Inclusion of Students with Disabilities

Secretary Arne Duncan and ED’s Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Alexa Posny, stopped by Beers Elementary School in Washington, DC yesterday to get a close-up look at one school that is successfully integrating students with disabilities into … Continue reading

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