Health + Wellness / / Minneapolis - St. Paul, Minnesota

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Amgen sees positive data in bone drug study

Amgen Inc. said its osteoporosis drug candidate denosumab beat a rival drug in reducing and delaying the rate of fractures in men with prostate cancer during a study.

FDA aims to rein in radiation-based medical scans

Federal regulators will require manufacturers of high-grade medical imaging machines to include safety controls that prevent patients from receiving excessive radiation doses.

U study: 2 sodas a week doubles risk of pancreatic cancer

Researchers suggest a link involving high levels of insulin triggered by the sugary drinks, but others say the numbers aren't persuasive.

Swine flu: Is the U.S. epidemic over?

The latest: The odds of a third wave of pandemic H1N1 influenza hitting this spring seem to be declining, but authorities are concerned that the virus is still spreading -- albeit at a reduced rate from its peak -- and is not disappearing as would be expected in a normal influenza outbreak, federal officials said Friday.


Free H1N1 shots at most Rainbow Foods pharmacies

Call the Rainbow Foods near you for info on FREE H1N1 shots. More…

Number of Minnesotans uninsured jumps by 100,000

Dr. Jill Miedema, Adam Barnes

Dr. Jill Miedema, Adam Barnes

Minnesotans lost their health insurance in record numbers - more than 100,000 in two years - as unemployment surged.

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Jenny Craig ends ad campaign after lawsuit

Jenny Craig has agreed to end an ad campaign featuring actress Valerie Bertinelli as part of a legal settlement with Weight Watchers International, the dueling companies said Friday. Feeds headlines are available via RSS feed and can be added to your "My Yahoo!" page:

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Win tickets to The Midnight Movie Society's screening of cult-classic film "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" at Red Stag Supperclub. and DJ Jake Rudh present the first meeting of The Midnight Movie Society at Red Stag Supperclub on Feb. 19, with drinking, dancing and a midnight screening of cult-classic film, "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls."

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