Archive by category ''Merlene Davis

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  • Merlene Davis: Bring your shovel to the Isaac Murphy Art Garden

    In 2006, when community organizers selected the half-acre plot of land on East Third Street near Midland Avenue for the Isaac Murphy Memorial Art Garden, they thought it was near where the famous jockey once lived.Now, however, thanks to the work of Pamela Brinegar, a Lexington certified genealogist...

  • Merlene Davis: Program that helps young moms needs your help

    The email from Step By Step Inc., a non-denominational Christian support program for mostly teenage unwed mothers, was pretty direct."We are incredibly blessed with a large body of volunteers to take on the big task of serving these broken and wounded families," it read. "Where we lack is in the...

  • Merlene Davis: Hospital volunteer programs for teens benefit everyone

    Kayla Manning, 14, spent several weeks last summer working in various departments at St. Joseph Hospital on Harrodsburg Road. It was her mother's idea to have the teenager volunteer, and it turned out to be something Kayla excelled at.The opportunity is win-win as far as her mom, Diane Manning, ...

  • Merlene Davis: Bin Laden's death provides needed salve

    Although most Americans and Muslims welcomed news of the death of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, many don't think his death signals an end to terrorism.Probably the most we can hope for is that his death will be a salve for those grieving the loss of loved ones on 9/11, and a dampening of the...

  • Merlene Davis: Making Obama prove his worth is insulting, racist

    In 1859, just outside of Savannah, Ga., a big slave auction was held after the break-up of an old family estate with two plantations. People came from several states to secure the 436 slaves for sale.I know. You're saying what does that have to do with us today?Well, I thought about that sale when...

  • Merlene Davis: Money is available to help Kentuckians avoid foreclosure

    Now that we no longer have to worry that our seated president might have been born in Africa and not Hawaii, let's turn our attention back to our neighbors who are still struggling with unemployment and the possible foreclosure of their homes.Fortunately, relief for them could be an application ...

  • Workshop's goal: Help worship centers safeguard kids

    A collaboration of organizations and volunteers from schools, worship centers and civic groups wants to ensure that the faith community is doing everything it can to safeguard children.A workshop Friday will look at faith-based doctrine, facilities and personnel, with the goal being safer environments...

  • Merlene Davis: Remembering Easter Seals at this time of year

    As a couple of my co-workers and I were discussing Easter memories, the conversation turned to Easter Seals. The charitable organization produced stamps each spring to raise money for its programs nationally. Our parents used the stamps to seal envelops containing their snail mail correspondences...

  • Merlene Davis: It's time to notice the most vulnerable among us

    The building that houses the Children's Advocacy Center of the Bluegrass Inc. is rather nondescript, blending in with the older homes surrounding it on Walton Avenue.But to children and their families who have been gut-punched by sexual abuse, who have watched innocence yanked from them by a predator...

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