French Anti-Terror Raids Leave Extremist Suspect Dead

A policeman of the GIPN (French national police internvention groups) stands guard

Multiple French sweeps leave a Salafist suspect dead after gunfight with police, and mark a return to France's multi-discipline counter-terror system over the all-intelligence model of former President Nicolas Sarkozy

The Vatican Sentences the Pope’s Butler: Is a Pardon on the Way?

Pope Benedict's former butler Gabriele listens to the court at the Vatican

The pontiff was the victim, the person in whose name the crime was committed, the authority under which the trial was held and the arbiter of whether the sentence will be carried out.

Must-Reads from Around the World

This picture taken on October 4, 2012 shows rescuers searching for victims after a landslide, triggered by sustained rains, buried a school and three farmhouses in Yiliang, southwest China's Yunnan province.

On deck for Friday: Death count reveals 18 children and one adult killed by a landslide in the southwest China's Yunnan province, Morocco bars the entrance of a Dutch ship that provides abortion services, Jordan's King dissolves Parliament, South African Strikes continues and Turkey fires back on Syria.

Behind the Story: TIME’s Catherine Mayer Discusses Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny

image: Kenny in his office, flanked by the E.U. and Irish flags and photographs of people he admires

TIME’s Europe editor, Catherine Mayer, talks about how she reported and wrote her magazine story on how Ireland’s Prime Minister, Enda Kenny, is trying to fix his country’s battered economy

Quiet Reception as Taiwan Opposition-Party Heavyweight Visits China

STR / AFP / Getty Images

Frank Hsieh's visit to China suggests a new willingness among Taiwan's opposition leaders to engage with their neighbors across the strait

Are India’s Farmers Victims of a Global Land Rush?

Altaf Qadri / AP

Rising food prices have sparked protests in India and elsewhere in the developing world. But, according to humanitarian group Oxfam, costs are increasing because of a new menace

Can the U.S. Leave Behind “Afghan-Sustainable” Military Bases?

Image: U.S. soldiers from Bravo Battery, 4-319, 173 Airborne Brigade, toss wood from a torn down Afghan restaurant on Combat Outpost Garda into a dump truck in preparation for a handover of the COP to Afghan forces on September 14, 2012.

As one outpost is prepared for a handover, a report raises the risks attendant upon the departure of American forces

Turkey Rattles Its Saber at Syria but Remains Unlikely to Invade

Image: Local residents check on October 4, 2012 the damaged house where five Turkish civilians were killed on October 3 by a mortar bomb in the southern border town of Akcakale.

Ankara feels compelled to respond to shelling that killed five Turks, but is in no position to intervene alone in Syria's civil war

The Revolt of the Bazaar: Will Angry Merchants Change Iran?

Image: Iranians stand in a street as a garbage can is set on fire near Tehran's old main bazaar on Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012.

As the exchange rate of the rial collapsed, the center of Iran's commerce shut down in protest — and the uprising is spreading

Must-Reads from Around the World

French President Francois Hollande listens to a guest who speaks with journalists in the courtyard at the Elysee Palace in Paris, October 1, 2012.

On deck for Thursday: Two Coptic Christian boys accused of profaning Koran in Egypt, Argentine police take the streets to protest against pay cuts, France plans to make the wealthy pay more taxes, Turkey retaliates against Syrian attack, guerilla tourist trek launches in Nepal.