Yet Again, Analysts Forecast Cheaper Gas Prices Ahead

Lester Lefkowitz / Getty Images

Maybe the fourth or fifth time’s a charm? After rising through mid-summer, gas prices were forecast to fall in August. But the decrease basically never came. Next, predictions called for a drop in gas prices by late September. Likewise, those expectations were never met. No matter if Mother Nature, refinery problems, or mysterious market forces are to blame for gas prices failing to decrease as anticipated, the net result for drivers is frustration—as well as skepticism about the next prediction about falling gas prices.

6 Ways Adding a Trusted Child to Your Bank Account Backfires

Outliving your child is a gut-wrenching experience. It's even worse when you've put their name on your financial accounts and owe tax on what you "inherit." Here are 6 reasons to leave your accounts in your own name and get a durable power of attorney for convenience.

Holiday Promotions Months Before the Holiday? Sign Us Up!

Jose Luis Pelaez / Getty Images

Apparently, there is no such thing as launching a winter holiday shopping deal too early. Thus far, early season promotions—layaway especially—have done brisk business for retailers like Walmart and Toys R Us.

Nantucket Project: Small Island, Big Ideas for Fixing Our Economic Future

Prominent thinkers at this year's Nantucket Project worried about flagging innovation and corruption in government. But they're also developing technology that lets kids teach themselves to read and entrepreneurs to move manufacturing to their basement.

Cars for Comic Book Geeks? Curious Auto-Selling Strategies from Kia, Toyota

JOEL SAGET / AFP / Getty Images

It’s unlikely that Batman or Bruce Wayne would ever be seen driving a Kia. The practical, commuter brand just wouldn’t be rugged (or bulletproof) enough to suit Batman’s crime-fighting activities, and Kia’s reputation for affordability wouldn’t be a match for Wayne’s billionaire playboy mystique. Nonetheless, Kia will soon be offering the public a chance to buy a Batmobile of sorts: an Optima SX Limited featuring Batman graphics and a bat symbol on the grille. Models will be available in Superman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman themes as well.

Is the Stigma of Ditching Your Underwater Mortgage Fading?

Andre Kudyusov / Getty Images

A good five years after the subprime mortgage crisis and housing bubble collapse, more Americans are deciding that it’s okay to just walk away. In a new survey, roughly a third of respondents said it was socially acceptable to strategically default on a mortgage. 

When Did We Start Counting Down the Days Until Black Friday?

image: Early morning bargain hunters walk down Broadway with their purchases on 'Black Friday' in New York City, Nov. 25, 2011.

Only 42 days left until … the day you buy gifts that you’re supposed to hand out several weeks later. Black Friday used to serve as an unofficial kickoff of the holiday shopping season. The big day full of sales was a reminder that shoppers only had about a month before presents were expected to be under the Christmas tree—so it was best for consumers to get started with those holiday shopping lists! Now, however, there are countdowns in anticipation of the day that used to essentially be the start of a countdown.

7 Steps to a Higher Credit Limit

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As the holiday marketing machine cranks into gear, more of us will start contemplating the upcoming season’s spending — and our credit limits. Credit card issuers have relaxed their lending policies, says founder Curtis Arnold, especially for people with good credit. But the experts say there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about seeking a credit limit increase. 

Why College May Be Totally Free Within 10 Years

David H. Wells / Getty Images

Higher education is in transition and with a coming proliferation in online courses could be totally free for many within a decade. The status quo won't yield easily. But this is looking like a real answer to runaway student debt.

Must-See Consumerism TV: New Shows for Obsessions About Saving and Spending

Nick Wright / Getty Images

Two new TV shows debut the week of October 15. While both are focused on extreme consumer lifestyles, the groups of people featured couldn’t be more different.

Cheapskates and shopping addicts are the newest reality TV characters we’re being asked to watch—and who we’ll inevitably judge and feel superior to by comparison. That’s the way things go with most reality TV programming, isn’t it?

Waiting for Hours to Buy Stuff Is Totally Illogical – But We Love It!

Martin Barraud / Getty Images

According to the experts, the best explanation for why consumers wait in line just so that they can hand over money for the newest iPhone or a Black Friday doorbuster deal is that … it’s fun?