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Psychology & Mental Health News

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Canadian Teens Favoring OTC, Prescription Drugs Over Drinking & Smoking

December 13th, 2013
Canadian Teens Favoring OTC, Prescription Drugs Over Drinking & SmokingNew Canadian research implies a shift in substance use among middle and high school students as alcohol consumption and smoking are at an all-time low. However, recreational use of over-the-counter drugs and prescription drug misuse is on the upswing. ...

Military Contractors Face High Rates of Mental Illness

December 13th, 2013
Military Contractors Face High Rates of Mental Illness A new study discovers private contractors who worked in Iraq, Afghanistan or other conflict environments over the past two years have higher rates of mental issues than military personnel. The Rand corporation study found a greater ...

Aging May Be More Than Just Years

December 13th, 2013
Aging May Be More Than Just YearsWe have all heard the phrase that you are only has old as you feel and that the new 45 is really the old 35 and so forth. A new study gives new life to the expressions by ...

Mice Study Suggests We Can Literally Smell Fear

December 13th, 2013
Mice Study Suggests We Can Literally Smell FearA new finding may overrule the belief that a fear response is triggered by information processing that occurs in the brain. It was thought that we become afraid of an odor — such as leaking gas —only after ...

Postpartum Depression Reduced with More Time Off Work

December 13th, 2013
Postpartum Depression Reduced with More Time Off WorkNew research suggests the length of time a woman takes off after giving birth influences her risk of depression -- a finding that is at odds with the normal American time off for childbirth. University of Maryland ...

New Screening for Adult Autism Aids in Diagnosis

December 12th, 2013
New Screening for Adult Autism Aids in DiagnosisThe recent “coming out” by Scottish singer Susan Boyle, who found she has high-functioning autism, also known as Asperger syndrome, improves awareness and shows that those with autism spectrum disorders can lead a full life -- albeit one with ...

How Perceived Threat Can Impair Memory

December 12th, 2013
How Perceived Threat Can Impair MemoryA new study suggests the memory of a traumatic experience can slow the adoption of a new behavior associated with the original event. Experts have acknowledged that the details we remember surrounding a traumatic experience are sometimes hazy. In ...

Are Single-Sex Schools Really Beneficial?

December 12th, 2013
Are Single-Sex Schools Really Beneficial?Single-sex schools are often said to provide a better education and promote a stronger self-image among attendees. For example, media reports have stated girls are more likely to take math if they go to a single-sex private school; boys may ...

Standardized Test Score May Not Correlate to Higher IQ

December 12th, 2013
ExamMany states require a high school student to pass a standardized test to receive a high-school diploma. Conceptually, the exam ensures that the student has successfully learned key concepts. The high-stakes tests have been shown to predict students’ future educational attainment and adult ...

Does Taking a Photo Diminish the Experience?

December 12th, 2013
Does Taking a Photo Diminish the Experience? While taking a photo might seem like a good way to preserve the moment, new research suggests that some of us may be sacrificing an appreciation of the full experience. In a new study, psychological scientist Dr. ...

Antidepressant Cymbalta Soon Available as Generic

December 11th, 2013
Antidepressant Cymbalta Soon to Be Available as a GenericThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) earlier today approved the first generic versions of Cymbalta (duloxetine delayed-release capsules). Cymbalta is an antidepressant that is primarily used to treat depression, but is also prescribed for ...

Self-Reflection Can Strengthen Moral Compass

December 11th, 2013
Self-Reflection Can Strengthen Moral CompassA new study finds that training people to think about time, rather than money, may help reduce cheating behavior. Psychological scientists Drs. Francesca Gino of Harvard Business School and Cassie Mogilner of The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania ...

Too Much Trauma Coverage Can Be More Stressful Than Being There

December 11th, 2013
Too Much Trauma Coverage Can Be More Stressful Than Being ThereAlthough advances in technology allow ongoing coverage of breaking news, the knowledge may come at a cost as researchers discover the exposure can lead to viewer stress. A new study suggests stepping away from ...

Combined Therapy Program Can Speed PTSD Recovery in Vets

December 11th, 2013
Combined Therapy Program Can Speed PTSD Recovery in VetsA new therapeutic approach uses traditional psychotherapies and training to relieve combat-related symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among veterans and active U.S. service members. The technique is called Accelerated Resolution Therapy, or ART, and is ...

Antidepressant-Induced Sexual Dysfunction Eased by Exercise

December 11th, 2013
Anti-Depressant Induced Sexual Dysfunction Relieved by ExerciseA new study suggests exercise can improve sexual functioning in women who are taking antidepressants. Psychological researchers discovered moderate intensity exercise at the right time significantly improves sexual functioning in women who are taking the antidepressants. The study is ...

Harvard: Marijuana Doesn’t Cause Schizophrenia

December 10th, 2013
Harvard: Marijuana Doesn't Cause SchizophreniaGood news for people who've worried that smoking too much marijuana (cannabis) -- especially as a teenager -- might lead to some dramatic problems in the future, even schizophrenia. New research from Harvard Medical School, in a comparison between ...

Animal Studies Suggest Concussion May Lead to Later-Life Depression

December 10th, 2013
Animal Studies Suggest Concussion May Lead to Later-Life DepressionEmerging research on mice suggests a head injury such as a concussion can lead to depression years after the original insult. Ohio State researchers surmise that a head injury causes immune-system brain cells to go ...

Kid Movies Present Obesity Double Standard

December 10th, 2013
Kid Movies Present Obesity Double Standard Children grow up in an environment where sugar-sweetened beverages, exaggerated portion sizes and unhealthy snacks are common. So is TV watching, computer use and video games. But this world is not kind to those who are overweight. A ...

Potential is Increasing to Create Personalized Antidepressant

December 10th, 2013
Potential is Increasing to Create Personalized Antidepressant The class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants, but they don't work for everyone. Some people often have to try several different SSRI medications, each with a different ...

Stressed Out Over a Facebook Post?

December 10th, 2013
facebook login SSAn unpleasant aspect of social media is the opportunity for others to post items about you -- be it pictures or comments -- without your endorsement (or sometimes, awareness). Such Facebook indiscretions are common. But depending on who you are and to ...