The Eleven TV Shows That (Probably) Won't Survive the Season


Word comes today that NBC has canceled its first-year veterinary sitcom Monkey Hospital Ape ER Dr. Doolittle's Wonderful, Blunderful ICU Animal Practice after weeks of poor ratings. What other shows are in danger? Let's take a look.

By Rebecca Greenfield

6:18 PM ET

The Great Entertainment Divide: The Cord-Nevers vs. The Cord-Clingers

While many predicted that the future (and the demise) of the television industry would come in the form of dropped cable subscriptions, aka, cord cutting, it's not turning out that way. Rather, it looks like we will have two camps of TV-watching humans: Cord clingers and cord nevers, neither of whom are enthusiastic about the state of things.


By David Wagner

6:17 PM ET

Comment of the Day

Taking Issue With One Word in Hillary Clinton's Work-Life Balance Quote

Clinton toldMarie Claire reporter, "Some women are not comfortable working at the pace and intensity you have to work at in these jobs." One of our commenters thinks she'd be right if she changed one word. 


By Esther Zuckerman

5:37 PM ET

The Price of Candy Corn Is Up 3%

Trick-or-treaters better appreciate their treats this season.


By David Wagner

5:30 PM ET

Sequencing the Beer Genome; Eating Disorder-Prone Kids Have Higher IQs

Discovered: Mapping the genetics of barley; intelligence linked with anorexia and bulimia; UV light could prevent nasty hospital infections; dolphins sleep with one eye open. 

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By Elspeth Reeve

5:08 PM ET

Obama on Daily Show: Benghazi 'Not Optimal'

President Obama sat down with Jon Stewart for an interview that will air on The Daily Show tonight. According to White House pool reports, they talked for a little less than 15 minutes, and while some questions were light-hearted, others weren't.

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By Jen Doll

4:51 PM ET

Hardly Working or Artisanal Cubicling?

Just when you thought it was safe to go to work without the dreaded scourge of artisanal hunkering down and making itself at home in your workspace, oops, there it is. Artisanal cubicles, welcome to the year 2012. 

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By Alexander Abad-Santos

4:38 PM ET

Who Won the First Lady Debate?

Every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the video clips that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention.

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By Esther Zuckerman

3:07 PM ET

Poll Watch

Support is Up For Gay Marriage Question in Maryland

Today in Poll Watch: In Maryland, marriage equality is leading, the Democrat is up in Ohio's Senate race, and Romney takes a seven-point Gallup lead.


By Elspeth Reeve

2:37 PM ET

Gallup Has Romney Up by 7: Should Obama Panic?

Gallup's seven-day tracking poll of likely voters shows Mitt Romney leading President Obama by 7 percentage points, 52 percent to 45 percent. Should Obama panic?

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By Serena Dai

2:36 PM ET

Hillary Clinton Is Tired of Having the 'Having It All' Debate

In a profile by Ayelet Waldman in Marie Claire, Hillary Clinton responded to a question about Anne-Marie Slaughter, who wrote The Atlantic's cover story on why women still can't have it all and once worked for Clinton at the State Department, with some direct words: "Some women are not comfortable working at the pace and intensity you have to work at in these jobs."

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By Alexander Abad-Santos

2:07 PM ET

The White House Denies Ordering a Secret Report Clearing Huawei of Espionage

Cue the conspiracy theories: an 18-month, Reuters says it got its hands on "a White House-ordered review of security risks posed by suppliers to U.S. telecommunications companies" that cleared Chinese telecom giant Huawei of allegations of actively spying on the U.S. government. But we're not quite sure what to make of the report, since the White House has denied ordering the report in the first place.

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By Elspeth Reeve

1:43 PM ET

What's So Funny About Mitt Romney?

Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki would have us believe the campaign is terrified Mitt Romney will destroy President Obama with far funnier jokes during their appearances on Thursday night at the Al Smith dinner, where it is a tradition for people who are not comedians to tell jokes.

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By Richard Lawson

1:06 PM ET

What We Watched

'American Horror Story': Aliens, Nymphos, Bad Boston Accents, Oh My!

Last night was the second season premiere of FX's grim, gunky, 'n' glorious American Horror Story, a show so shamelessly filthy and melodramatic that it's almost heartwarming. This season, though? Well, based on last night's episode, it seems like we're mostly dealing with gore and ghoulishness.

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By Rebecca Greenfield

12:56 PM ET

Larry Page Apologizes for Google's Earnings Report 'Scramble'

Maybe it's his throat issue, but CEO Larry Page does not sound too happy on this earnings call, which he began with an apology for the unexpected release.

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By Serena Dai

12:54 PM ET

Dinesh D'Souza Denies Affair, Forced to Resign from Kings College

Dinesh D'Souza resigned from The King's College Thursday as president even though he wrote in Fox News last night that no, he did not cheat on his wife Dixie with his new, young blonde fiancee, as evangelical magazine World reported earlier this week

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By Alexander Abad-Santos

12:37 PM ET

Federal Appeals Court Rules DOMA Unconstitutional

The Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York ruled today that the Defense of Marriage Act, more specifically Section 3— the federal definition of marriage between one man and one woman—violates equal protection and is therefore unconstitutional.

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By Dashiell Bennett

12:30 PM ET

Man Who Spent Time In an Iranian Prison Thinks California's Are Worse

If you're going to do a deep investigative story on the horrors of prison confinement why not ask someone who has some experience being locked up in terrifying conditions? 

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By Jen Doll

12:08 PM ET

Jennifer Weiner on Andrew Goldman's Suspension

Best-selling author Jennifer Weiner has responded to the news of New York Times Magazine's "Talk" columnist Andrew Goldman's month-long suspension from the paper over his recent tweets, called "insulting and profane" by New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan.

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By Dashiell Bennett

12:04 PM ET

Sasha and Malia's School Evacuated After an Anonymous Threat

Sidwell Friends School, the D.C. school that President Obama's two daughters attend, was evacuated this morning after someone phoned in an anonymous threat. 

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By Rebecca Greenfield

12:03 PM ET

Yelp's Robot Spam Filter Wasn't Good Enough

In addition to its robot spam filtration system, Yelp will now post the consumer alert above in an attempt to purify its at time spammy reviews.

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