Day-Laborer Extortion Scheme Under Investigation by SPD After Stabbing

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​Seattle Police are investigating a group of drug dealers who "regularly engage in extorting money from the day laborers" outside at several hardware stores ranging from Everett to South Seattle.

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John C. Siegel, Attorney Accused of Threatening Judge, Now Suspected of Burning Own Home

Categories: Law & Courts

West Seattle Blog
​The Seattle attorney who just spent two months in jail for threatening to kill a Seattle judge is now back in the slammer, suspected of setting his West Seattle home on fire Tuesday. John C. Siegel is being held in the downtown jail on suspicion of arson that did about $100,000 damage to the Gatewood neighborhood home he co-owns with his ex-wife, whom he has also been accused of threatening, and assaulting.

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Atheist Airplanes to Take Flight This Fourth of July (In States That Allow Such Things)

Categories: Religion

​The group American Atheists has a suggestion for people who are looking for life's answers this Fourth of July: Look to the sky!

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Rumors of Microsoft's Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Categories: Business

​A reminder to the folks (myself included) who occasionally like to write about how Microsoft is yesterday's news--how its stock price sucks, it's losing the fight on mobile phones, has lost the fight on tablets, and is more known for fighting patent wars than innovating new products:

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Leo Mathis, Ex-Oak Harbor Dad, Charged With Negligent Homicide for Dropping 3-Year-Old Son in River

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​Last week a 3-year-old boy drowned in the Prickly Pear Creek northeast of Helena, Mont.

Sheriff Leo Dutton of Lewis and Clark County says that the boy's father, Leo Mathis--a man who'd moved there only a week before from Oak Harbor, Wash.--dropped the boy while drunkenly trying to cross the raging creek with the kid in his arms.

It's a tragedy by any standard. And according to prosecutors, it's criminal.

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Amazon to Axe "Associates" in California Over Sales-Tax Threat

Categories: Business

​Amazon is on its way toward running out of states to run its "Amazon Associates" program. The retail giant just sent a letter to all its Associates (website owners who make money off placing ads and widgets to Amazon products on their websites) warning them that the program will be killed if Gov. Jerry Brown signs a bill that would force the company to collect sales taxes from the shillers.

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That $30 State Parks Parking Pass? It Comes With a $5 Processing Fee

As we've previously reported, starting Friday it's going to cost you to park at a state park. What you might not know is that if you buy the new Discover Pass online, by phone or from a retailer, your $30 annual pass will be Ticketmastered with a $5 convenience fee. Here's how to avoid the fee atop the fee.

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Fun With Alphabet Floor Mats: A Contest of Sorts

Categories: Whimsy

UPDATE: Due to credible information that a number of people are still working on their haiku-like poems, we are extending this contest until a week from today.

Do you like puzzles? Word games? Combinations thereof? Over the weekend, as we stared at our young boy's foam alphabet mat on our living-room floor, the gibberish it spelled out started to annoy us. There must be a better way, we thought. And there was! (And if you bear with us, we'll tell you how you can win a marginally fabulous prize of some sort!)

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Jeffrey Steinborn, Longtime Pot Activist, Says Heavy-Hitting Newcomers "Don't Know What They're Doing"

Categories: Marijuana

​With former U.S. Attorney John McKay, City Attorney Pete Holmes, and travel guru Rick Steves bringing unprecedented clout to a new marijuana-legalization effort, the activists who have worked so long on this issue are, of course, falling in line behind them. OK, that was a joke.

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Isaish Kalebu: "I Was Told by God" to Rape, Torture, and Kill Teresa Butz

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​Wearing a crazy outfit of oven mitts and a "shock sleeve," and saying crazy things about how "God" made him rape, torture, and kill a woman, Isaiah Kalebu did his best in court today to convince everyone that he is in fact crazy.

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Ashton Kutcher and the Bogus Underage-Sex-Trafficking Numbers

Categories: Media

​Professional doofus Ashton Kutcher and his wife Demi Moore recently decided that ending underage sex trafficking was a cause celebre worthy of their combined celebrity. After seeing a horrifying documentary on child prostitutes, KutchMo took it upon itself to create the "Real Men" campaign, a series of befuddling PSAs in which Justin Timberlake and Sean Penn (among others) do stupid things like make grilled-cheese sandwiches with a hot iron.

What this has to do with sex trafficking is anyone's best guess, but the fact that Kutcher and Moore have chosen to throw their considerable weight--a combined 10 million Twitter followers--behind a worthy cause is not something anyone is going to argue with. The only problem is that in order to make their point that child prostitution is a growing concern, the celebrity couple have been tossing around some seriously bogus, seriously panic-inducing numbers.

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Report: Boeing Sold Plane Parts to Army at 16,000 Percent Markup

Categories: Military

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​When the U.S. Army put in an order with Boeing for 50 ramp gate rollers for the Apache and Chinook helicopters, they got a bill for $81,324. And being the Army, an agency that need never fear for a lack of finances, it paid the bill no questions asked. But now that someone has come and checked the math on that bill and many others, it turns out that the price was off by, oh, about 16,000 percent.

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Dale O'Callaghan, Eugene Crackpot, Accused of Shooting Co-Worker for Teasing Him About Rapture Day Beliefs

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​Even before May 21 came and went, making fun of the poor saps who believed in Harold Camping's "Rapture Day" prophecies had become a kind of new national pastime. Who doesn't love to tease people who latch on to an already discredited Christian zealot and his doomsday math equations?

Dale O'Callaghan. That's who. And if the mother of the person he allegedly shot is right, then making fun of Mr. O'Callaghan for his Rapture Day beliefs was a very bad idea.

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Costco Farm Pig Abuse Documented in Horrific Video

Categories: Animals

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​Pssst! Wanna ruin your day?

Here's a video produced by the animal-rights group Mercy for Animals which shows a bunch of pigs getting thrown around, castrated, kicked, and otherwise abused at Iowa Select Farms in Kamrar, Iowa--a farm that supplies "Swift" brand pork to Costco.

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Amanda Knox Didn't Do It: Rolling Stone Joins the Chorus as Key DNA Finding Is Announced

Accidental ingenue.
​It's not new detail, but there is a fresh take in the current Rolling Stone on the Amanda Knox conviction--which is on appeal and during which court-appointed experts today said some of the DNA evidence used to convict her may have been contaminated, a major breakthrough hailed by her family as "great news."

Seattle's "accidental ingénue," as the magazine calls Knox, "didn't realize that she would be judged by her behavior, her looks and her nationality" as she stood trial for, and was convicted of, the murder of Meredith Kercher. Knox's catastrophic mistake was allowing the postal police, the juvenile varsity state cops, to enter her home, rather than waiting for the more professional carabinieri to arrive, RS thinks.

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Seattle Storm to Meet President Obama Today--Will They Ask Him Why He Doesn't Support Same-Sex Marriage?

Categories: Sports

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​Last Friday, after the Seattle Storm beat the Minnesota Lynx 65-55, the team invited reporters into the locker room for questions. Sarah Toce from the Seattle Lesbian blog was there and reported that during the question-and-answer session, someone yelled out "They just passed [same-sex] marriage in New York!" and there were cheers all around. Forward Lauren Jackson even said it made her "proud for humanity."

So, considering that the team will meet with President Barack Obama in the White House today, and given the WNBA has a well-earned reputation as possibly the most gay-friendly professional sports league around, one can't help but wonder if the Storm players will ask Obama why he doesn't support same-sex marriage.

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Miguel Ashby Arrested in Seattle by New York DEA's "Bath Salts Task Force"

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Miguel Ashby's "Blue Magic."
​Miguel Ashby is an entrepreneur of sorts. Five years ago, the 26-year-old Everett resident created a website that specializes in selling "high quality products to help you relieve your stress and break the monotony of your day-in, day-out routine." Trouble is, his "products" are bath salts and synthetic marijuana, two substances that have drawn the ire of lawmakers and law enforcers nationwide. Yesterday, Ashby was arrested in Seattle in connection with a months-long undercover investigation conducted by the DEA's "Bath Salts Task Force."

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Exit Interview: Marsha Massey, Outgoing Tourism Director for Washington State

Categories: Business

​This marks the final week for the state's tourism office, which has fallen victim to budget cuts going into effect July 1. As of that date, Washington will be the only state in the nation without a publicly funded office to promote tourism. How does that sit with the state's outgoing tourism czar? We caught up with Marsha Massey to find out.

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That 'Bama Weed: Looking for Relief in the Deep South

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This is what $110 an ounce gets you in Alabama.
For the fourth time in as many days, I steer up the steep, dusty driveway and see the same surly hounds, with ribs protruding and a dangerous glint in their eyes. I close the car door and walk briskly to the front of the house in the 100-degree heat, hoping I don't get nipped on the heels again, as I did yesterday.

When Kevin (not his real name) answers the door with a smile on his face, I know he must have good news. Yes, he saw "the guy," and yes, he was able to hook me up.

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Ariel Attack, Transgender Anarchist Arrested for Pride Weekend Vandalism, Also Smashed Up Denver Democratic HQ in 2009

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​In the brief melee that erupted on Saturday during a Pride Weekend celebration in Capitol Hill, a transgender person named Maurice Schwenkler was arrested for pedestrian interference after several windows were broken in stores and on police cars.

In anarchist circles, however, Maurice Schwenkler is not known as Maurice Schwenkler, but as "Ariel Attack."

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