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2 days ago, 19/10/2012 at 16:39 | 0 comments
Just back from Sweden and Finland -- not NATO allies, but certainly premier partners both. I visited both in my hat as Commander of US European Command.
Of note, I was also at the Northern European Chiefs of Defence meeting in Helsinki, Finland -- CHODs or senior reps from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway were all present.

6 days ago, 15/10/2012 at 17:10 | 0 comments
Last week was an interesting mix of activity for me in two very different places in Europe.
I spent the early part of the week at the meeting of the NATO Defence Ministers at NATO Headquarters up in Brussels, about 45 minutes north of my operational command in Mons, Belgium.

4 weeks ago, 24/09/2012 at 17:03 | 1 comments
In the week ahead, I'll focus on two topics that don't always get a huge amount of attention, but are very important: piracy and missile defence. These are two key missions we are undertaking today with NATO forces and reflect the kind of trans-national threats that the Alliance must be prepared to face in this turbulent 21st century.

10/09/2012 at 15:21 | 0 comments
The most important advantage we have in the US and NATO militaries comes from the quality of our people. The superb character of our Senior Enlisted Leaders is spotlighted in the blog post below, written by our outstanding SHAPE Command Senior Enlisted Leader, CMSGT Todd Small, and U.S. EUCOM Command Senior Enlisted Leader, FLTCM Roy Maddocks. Check it out!

21/08/2012 at 13:12 | 2 comments
As we wrap up high summer, it's a sensible time to look ahead at the fall and think about the big tasks facing the NATO Alliance and US European Command. The Olympics and the Jubilee fade to memory, and hopefully most folks have managed to break away for a short vacation to recharge. The autumn will be a busy time.

25/07/2012 at 19:00 | 2 comments

While I certainly sympathize with the thrust of John Kuehn's title in his energetic article about the situation in Afghanistan, I'd like to offer a somewhat different perspective from my position as the Supreme Allied Commander for all NATO operations, including the 140,000, 50-nation coalition in Afghanistan.

09/07/2012 at 9:58 | 5 comments
Afghanistan is always challenging. We continue to focus on the onging
insurgency, the presence of terrorists across the border in Pakistan, and a persistent level of corruption.  Yet over the past few days, we've had a string of fairly positive developments.

20/06/2012 at 13:31 | 3 comments

I was recently asked on-line about "how to brief a senior officer?” Great question!