Afghan National Army seeks medical recruits

2012/02/03 • Comments
By Technical Sgt. Renee Crisostomo
Regional Support Command-South/NTM-A Public Affairs 
Afghan National Army Col. Abdul Hakim-Zia, Medical Command medical recruiting officer in charge, speaks on Yawali Radio at Kandahar Air Field, during a medical recruiting radio interview.  Visiting radio stations throughout Afghanistan was one way Col. Hakim-Zia advertised ANA's need for medically licensed Afghans.  More than 300 recruits were accepted since the recruiting program started last year.

Afghan National Army Col. Abdul Hakim-Zia, Medical Command medical recruiting officer in charge, speaks on Yawali Radio at Kandahar Air Field, during a medical recruiting radio interview. Visiting radio stations throughout Afghanistan was one way Col. Hakim-Zia advertised ANA's need for medically licensed Afghans. More than 300 recruits were accepted since the recruiting program started last year.

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan – Sitting in a four-by-six foot sound proof booth and speaking in Pashto, Afghan National Army Col. Abdul Hakim-Zia is trying to reach out to fellow Afghans.

Hakim-Zia, the ANA Medical Command recruiting officer in charge, speaks into a microphone at Kandahar Air Field’s Afghan-operated radio station, Yowali Radio 88.5 FM, to encourage licensed doctors, nurses and other medical technicians or students to share their skills in the ANA.

“The ANA wants to improve its medical services, especially in austere environments,” said Hakim-Zia through an interpreter.  “The best way to do that is to reach out to the community through radio, newspapers, TV and community engagements to find skilled medical professionals.”

Hakim-Zia has been travelling around Afghanistan with U.S. Army Lt. Col. Phylis Cullen, Afghan National Security Forces recruiting medical advisor, advertising at hospitals, universities, and various media outlets.  When Cullen arrived in Kabul in May 2011, a recruiting program was non-existent.

“I knew how to advertise this need and Col. Hakim-Zia needed help in getting the recruiting program started,” said Cullen.  “For a couple months, I worked with him on recruiting techniques and one day it just made sense to him.  He smiled and said, ‘You did it.’”

“This is a golden opportunity for Afghans with medical skills to join ANA,” said Hakim-Zia.  “I’m proud to be part of a program that honors the medical talents and experiences of Afghans and doesn’t care about what ethnic background he or she is from.”

With more than 300 recruits to date, the program has proved to be a success.

“I will be the last advisor to Col. Hakim-Zia,” said Cullen.  “He and his recruiting team are perfectly capable of handling this program on their own.  It’s been challenging but a great experience working in this environment.  I can leave knowing I’ve helped Col. Hakim-Zia in making a difference in Afghanistan.”

Hakim-Zia will continue to travel from Kabul to recruit medically skilled and licensed personnel until his four-person recruiting team is strategically placed around Afghanistan.

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