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         Professor Jack Mohney

Jack Mohney
Requirements Management

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News - Energy Policy & Impact on Requirements, Army Vehicle Needs, Requirements Webinar  


Hello everyone.  A quick posting to catch you up on some recent news. 


We recently taught our RQM 403 Requirements Executive Overview Workshop (REOW) to four Navy executives (three admirals and one civilian SES).  One fascinating element that came up throughout the day was energy usage and its impact on DOD’s capabilities.  The very next day, the Wall Street Journal ran a piece addressing that very subject.  Here’s the link:  http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303410404577464580499454136.html


Also, here’s a link to an interesting article that summarizes the Army’s intentions for its future vehicle capability needs:  http://www.defensenews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2012306110001


A large study that addresses capabilities - not a CBA.


Finally, last Friday, we conducted our quarterly webinar with graduates from our RQM 310 class.  The discussions mainly revolved around two subjects:  recent JCIDS changes – mostly addressing proposed JCIDS alternative documentation formats and the recent requirements billet coding memo signed on 25 May 2012 by Admiral Winnefeld and Mr. Kendall.  We’ll post the webinar slides to our RMCoP site shortly.   If you wish to participate in our next webinar in September, please contact me at jack.mohney@dau.mil.  We're not limiting participation to RQM 310 graduates...


The opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors and speakers.  I share these public, non-DoD articles in this blog to provide information to those interested in information related to requirements management.  The posting of these articles do not constitute my endorsement or the endorsement of the Defense Acquisition University, or the Department of Defense.


-         To visit DAU’s Requirement Management CoP, click here: https://acc.dau.mil/requirements.  

-         To submit content or ask questions, click here: RMCT@dau.mil.

Posted by Jack Mohney on 29-Jun-12
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