Are You Ready for Some Football?

USDA FNS employees promoted HealthierUS information to Latino families at the NFL/LULAC Feria de Salud on Jan. 30.

USDA FNS employees promoted HealthierUS information to Latino families at the NFL/LULAC Feria de Salud on Jan. 30.

Now that time has started to heal the wounds of many Pittsburgh fans we thought it would be a good time to highlight some of the work we did around  Super Bowl XLV.  USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) staff got to participate in Fiesta de Salud (Celebration of Health) — a community fair sponsored by the League of United Latin American Citizen (LULAC) and the National Football League (NFL) in Dallas, Texas. Fiesta de Salud was one of many NFL events planned during the week leading up to Super Bowl XLV which helped promote the NFL’s anti-childhood obesity program “Play 60.” Read more »

Arizona Colonia Neighbors Get a New, Safe, Waste Disposal System

Larry Bagby in front of his home.  His house now has a safe sanitation system thanks to the Recovery Act and USDA.

Larry Bagby in front of his home. His house now has a safe sanitation system thanks to the Recovery Act and USDA.


Larry Bagby was giddy as he lifted his 69-year old frame into an exuberant leap and repeated those words. Those words, he explained, were his initial response a few years ago when asked if he would support a neighborhood effort to hook up to a real wastewater system. Read more »

More Than 50 Years of Service

The Midland County Courthouse in Midland, MI was built in 1924. USDA/ERS photo by Calvin L. Beale.

The Midland County Courthouse in Midland, MI was built in 1924. USDA/ERS photo by Calvin L. Beale.

As the Economic Research Service celebrates its 50th Anniversary this year and looks back over the decades, the legacy of Senior Demographer Calvin Beale stands out due to the 55-plus-year length of his service at USDA and the impact of his work. Read more »