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What We’re Watching: 8/17/12


At the end of each week, we post a "What We’re Watching" blog as we look ahead to the weekend and recap events from the week. We encourage you to share it with your friends and family, and have a safe weekend.

Weather Outlook

Looking ahead to the weekend, National Weather Service forecasts are calling for somewhat minimal thunderstorm activity across the U.S.  However, severe drought conditions are expected to continue for much of the country through next week. At FEMA, we are supporting our federal and state partners – and following the lead of the Department of Agriculture as they coordinate assistance to farmers and ranchers affected by the drought.

And of course, we continue to closely monitor the Atlantic for any potential tropical storm or hurricane activity. You can always follow the latest forecast from the NOAA National Hurricane Center at or on your phone at Make sure you know what to do before, during, and after severe tropical weather by visiting

National Preparedness Month Approaching

It’s almost that time of year! September 1 marks the beginning of National Preparedness Month. The theme for NPM 2012 is Pledge to Prepare – Awareness to Action.  This year we are encouraging individuals, businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations to:

There’s an easy first step to getting involved in National Preparedness Month – register as a coalition member at  As a Coalition members, you’ll join a community of thousands of individuals, emergency management professionals, businesses, and voluntary and faith-based groups, sharing emergency preparedness information and events so that everyone can be better prepared before a disaster strikes.  Members can also take advantage of the online community, resources, and tools available to help get you prepared for an emergency and spread NPM during September.

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!

Last Updated: 
08/17/2012 - 17:12