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Not too late to “Drop! Cover! Hold On!”


Many of you were following our blog and the activities leading up to the Great Central U.S. Shakeout conducted on April 28. Not only was the ShakeOut the multi-state earthquake drill (with 3.1 million participants), there’s no doubt that it was also the most successful drill to take place along the New Madrid Seismic Zone.  Millions of registered participants; from Atlanta, Ga. to Chicago, Ill. took part in the “Drop! Cover! Hold On!”  drill scheduled to teach earthquake safety.

Students practice earthquake safety by getting under their desks.
Students at the Milford Elementary School in Atlanta, GA participate in the ShakeOut drill. FEMA and GEMA personnel were there to answer questions about earthquake and emergency preparedness.

While the drill itself was a big success, individuals, families, businesses, and communities should continually prepare for the threat of earthquakes. Even if you did not participate in the Great Central ShakeOut last month, we encourage you to conduct earthquake drills at any time with your family, coworkers or employees.

And as always, we also encourage you to take three simple steps to get prepared for any emergency: get a kit, make a plan and be informed.

Last Updated: 
06/18/2012 - 14:57

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