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FFRRO Library

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The FFRRO Library is a comprehensive repository of information about federal-facility restoration and reuse. It is divided into the categories below (click on a link to go to that category). You also can see the FFRRO Library organized by year. If you need assistance accessing any of these files, please contact Jyl Lapachin at (703) 603-0046 or lapachin.jyl@epa.gov.

On This Page


This evaluation identifies the reasons why certain Federal Facilities Response Program targets are not met and the processes that regions can put in place to meet those targets.
This is a summary report of a series of analyses of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office (FFRRO) regional programs' performance in meeting their annual targets for the last six years (2005-2010).
Lasagna™ is an innovative technology that reduces trichloroethene (TCE) contamination in soil in a manner that is faster, more effective, and less costly than traditional cleanup options.
An image comparing the FY 1990 and FY 2002 Federal Facility Superfund NPL Pipeline.
FFRRO Brochure Year: 1998
This is the brochure for the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office (FFRRO).
With so many offices involved in federal-facilities cleanup, getting the assistance you need can be a puzzling process. This brochure helps you understand how the pieces fit together.
This is a list of names and contact information for EPA's Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Coordinators.
This page contains a report presenting the analysis, conclusions, and recommendations of the Federal Facilities Policy Group (FFPG).
This document shows the number of listings and construction completions from FY 1983 through FY 2007.
This memorandum announces the reorganization of three major components of the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) and significant streamlining in other offices.
This is the first issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
This is the second issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
This is the third issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
This is the fourth issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
This is the fifth issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
This is the sixth issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
This is a preview of the seventh issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
This is the seventh issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
This is a preview of the eighth issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
This is the eighth issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
This is a preview of the ninth issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
Partners in Progress - Issue 9 (PDF) (4 pp, 363K) Year: 2005
This is the ninth issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
Partners in Progress - Issue 10 (PDF) (2 pp, 2.5MB) Year: 2006
This is the tenth issue of the Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office's newsletter.
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide information on the Federal Facility program priorities for Five-Year Reviews.
The purpose of this memorandum is to announce the reorganization of the Immediate Office of the Assistant Administrator.
This document provides Remedial Project Managers (RPMs) with a resource to help improve the public transparency and understanding of Superfund Records of Decision (RODs) for remedy decisions developed in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), using communication tools designed to enhance the decision document's presentation.

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Base Realignment & Closure

Amendment to the existing agreement for support for implementation of fast-track cleanup at closing Department of Defense installations.
Amendment to the existing agreement for support for implementation of fast-track cleanup at closing Department of Defense installations.
Questions and answers regarding BRAC.
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the framework for the base-reuse process and the general context for the rest of the information in this Manual.
This PowerPoint slide contains a map of facilities related to the BRAC 2005 recommendations.
This PowerPoint slide compares data from various BRAC rounds.
This memo concerns the President's program to speed economic recovery at communities with closing military bases. Specifically, it provides DoD guidance on implementing "Fast Track" cleanup.
This page contains a memorandum regarding environmental requirements for federal agency-to-agency property transfer at BRAC installations.
Memorandum of Understanding between EPA and DoD, regarding the procedures to determine environmental suitability for leasing property available as a result of a base closure or realignment.
This guidance is based on the experience gained in implementing the Fast Track Cleanup Program over the last two plus years.
This page describes the Fast Track Cleanup Program, which is part of the plan to mitigate economic dislocation and speed economic recovery of communities near realigning/closing military bases.
A memorandum regarding the application of CERCLA Section 120(h)(3).
This document provides guidance for EPA support at installations identified in the five rounds of BRAC.
This memorandum transmits the agreements EPA and DoD reached on August 14, 1998, and provides a schedule for completing the actions the agencies agreed to undertake jointly.
This memorandum delineates responsibilities for environmental obligations associated with the assignment of base-closure properties approved for public-benefit transfers.
This page contains a memorandum of understanding regarding support for implementation of fast track cleanup at closing Department of Defense (DoD) installations.
This memo addresses the approach EPA should use in determining whether to concur that a parcel has been properly identified by the military as "uncontaminated" and therefore transferrable.
This appendix is an introduction to the primary environmental laws and regulations applicable to all Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) installations.
Statement regarding EPA's cleanup and property transfer requirements at BRAC properties and anticipated differences between this BRAC and prior rounds.
A list of recommended base closures, realignments, and gains.
This memorandum establishes responsibilities and funding for accelerating environmental restoration and cleanup decisions at selected Base Realignment and Closure installations.
This memorandum establishes responsibilities and funding for accelerating environmental restoration and cleanup decisions at selected Base Realignment and Closure installations.
This memorandum establishes responsibilities and funding for accelerating environmental restoration and cleanup decisions at selected Base Realignment and Closure installations.
This memorandum establishes responsibilities and funding for the Environmental Protection Agency's assistance in accelerating cleanup at closing Department of Defense installations.
This document contains two charts showing the value of EPA's participation in the Fast Track Cleanup Program.

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Contaminants of Concern and Emerging Contaminants

Emerging Contaminant - Nanomaterials (PDF) (8 pp, 227K) Year: 2012
This fact sheet provides a brief summary of the emerging contaminant nanomaterials (NM), including physical and chemical properties, environmental and health impacts, existing federal and state guidelines, and detection and treatment methods.
This fact sheet provides a brief summary of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), including physical and chemical properties, environmental and health impacts, existing federal and state guidelines, and detection and treatment methods.
This errata sheet identifies corrections to Perchlorate Treatment Technology: Update, highlighting the changes being made to the issue paper based on new information.
This memorandum recommends that where no federal or state applicable or relevant and appropriate (ARAR) requirements exist under federal or state laws, 15 μg/L (or 15 ppb) is recommended as the preliminary remediation goal for perchlorate when making CERCLA site-specific cleanup decisions where there is an actual or potential drinking water exposure pathway.
This fact sheet provides a brief summary of 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP), including physical and chemical properties, environmental and health impacts, existing federal and state guidelines, and detection and treatment methods.
Technical Fact Sheet - 1,4-Dioxane (PDF) (5 pp, 204K) Year: 2012
This fact sheet provides a brief summary of 1,4-dioxane, including physical and chemical properties, environmental and health impacts, existing federal and state guidelines, and detection and treatment methods.
This fact sheet provides a brief summary of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), including physical and chemical properties, environmental and health impacts, existing federal and state guidelines, and detection and treatment methods.
This fact sheet provides a brief summary of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), also known as royal demolition explosive, including physical and chemical properties, environmental and health impacts, existing federal and state guidelines, and detection and treatment methods.
This fact sheet provides a brief summary of N-nitroso-dimethylamine (NDMA), including physical and chemical properties, environmental and health impacts, existing federal and state guidelines, and detection and treatment methods.
Technical Fact Sheet - Perchlorate (PDF) (5 pp, 181K) Year: 2012
This fact sheet provides a brief summary of perchlorate, including physical and chemical properties, environmental and health impacts, existing federal and state guidelines, and detection and treatment methods.
This fact sheet provides a brief summary of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), including physical and chemical properties, environmental and health impacts, existing federal and state guidelines, and detection and treatment methods.
Technical Fact Sheet - Tungsten (PDF) (4 pp, 177K) Year: 2012
This fact sheet provides a brief summary of tungsten, including physical and chemical properties, environmental and health impacts, existing federal and state guidelines, and detection and treatment methods.

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Integrated Cleanup Initiative

Collection of letters between EPA and responsible federal agencies regarding planned remediation metrics and EPA's GPRA measures at agencies' sites.
Collection of letters between EPA and responsible federal agencies regarding planned remediation metrics and EPA's GPRA measures at agencies' sites.
This report summarizes the progress of the joint-metrics workgroup that was established to address inconsistencies between EPA and DOD reporting of NPL cleanup.

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Laws, Regulations, Policies and Guidance

This handbook is for project managers addressing the environmental concerns posed by inactive mines and mineral-processing sites.
This policy clarifies how the bona fide prospective purchaser liability protection provisions in the Brownfields Amendments may apply to real-property transfers.
This page contains model language for key provisions of CERCLA Federal Facility Agreements with the Department of Energy (DOE).
This page contains guidance material from the Assistant Secretary of Defense, regarding NPL sites.
This directive highlights a step-by-step approach to determining when a specific military landfill is an appropriate site for application of the contaminant presumptive remedy.
Recommends preliminary remediation goals or starting points for setting dioxin-cleanup levels in soil at CERCLA and RCRA corrective-action sites.
Fact sheet detailing compliance with the Clean Air Act and associated air-quality requirements, especially in reference to applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements.
How the presence of asbestos on closing bases affects the United States' ability to transfer under §120(h)(4) and §120(h)(3).
Provides an introduction to some of the better established treatment technologies.
In the ongoing efforts to improve and validate regional data quality in CERCLIS, missing historical FOST/FOSL submission dates (start dates) need to be entered.
EPA published a notice clarifying requirements for facilities that treat, store, or dispose of radioactive mixed waste to obtain interim status (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act).
Clarification of NPL Listing Policy (PDF) (4 pp, 203K) Year: 1995
Discusses a restatement of the policy regarding what is included in the National Priorities List site, addressing the perception that federal facilities are listed fenceline-to-fenceline.
This memorandum clarifies the position of the Superfund Site Assessment program with regards to listing Federal Facilities "fenceline to fenceline."
This memorandum provides additional clarification on the applicability of the October 5, 1998, Environmental Protection Agency-Department of Energy agreement on DOE decommissioning projects.
This directive clarifies the existing 1994 Revised Interim Soil Lead Guidance for CERCLA Sites and RCRA Corrective Action Facilities, OSWER Directive 9355.4-12.
This document contains common questions (and answers) regarding the use of natural attenuation for chlorinated solvent spills at federal facilities.
This document contains common questions (and answers) regarding the use of natural attenuation for petroleum-contaminated sites at federal facilities.
To amend CERCLA to require the Federal Government to identify real property where no hazardous substance was stored, released, or disposed of.
FFRRO redesigned this compendium to help readers learn about the background of the cleanup program and conduct their duties.
An affirmation of EPA's responsibility to enter into interagency agreements (IAGs) or Federal Facility Agreements (FFAs) to ensure the proper management of federal Superfund cleanups.
This memorandum concerns consistency in EPA requirements for groundwater cleanup.
On acceptance of decisions made by other remedial programs, deferral of activities and coordination among programs, and coordination of closure of RCRA-regulated units with other activities.
This memorandum encourages coordination between the regional Superfund staffs and Office of Federal Activities (OFA) regional counterparts in carrying out CERCLA actions.
Delegating the authority of the Administrator to review leases of property at Department of Energy weapon facilities to the Assistant Administrator for OSWER and Regional Administrators.
This memo concerns how the Office of Enforcement proposed that two new authorities under the Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act be delegated to the Regional Administrators.
The purpose of this memorandum is to reaffirm DOE's commitment to working with EPA and the States to establish enforceable agreements at its major facilities.
This manual facilitates the process of identifying and adding federal facilities to the Docket, as well as activities after a federal facility is added, pursuant to Docket requirements.
This policy provides guidance to DoD components on documenting parcels of real property made available through the BRAC process and which are environmentally suitable for transfer by deed.
This policy provides guidance to DoD components on documenting parcels of real property made available through the BRAC process and which are environmentally suitable for transfer by deed.
This guidance describes the recommended streamlined procedures for completing the final Remedial Action and deleting the site from the NPL. It only applies to DoD facilities on the NPL.
Explains new provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 and provides guidance on the use of the Agency's authority to issue penalty orders against Federal facilities.
This page contains a letter from the U.S. Department of Justice to the Washington State Department of Ecology, regarding the enforceability of the Hanford Agreement Under CERCLA Section 310.
This page contains the text of a letter from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to the State of Maine, regarding the enforceability of IAGs using CERCLA Section 310.
Letter presenting the Justice Department's views on the enforceability of agreements developed under Section 120 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act.
This page contains the text of two memos regarding government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) facilities.
The Office of Emergency and Remedial Response (OERR) is beginning a process to prepare for enhancing the State/Tribal role in the Superfund program.
Establishes policies on Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health to sustain and improve the DoD mission.
Establishing DOE requirements for coordination of significant environmental compliance issues to ensure timely development and consistent application of departmental policy and guidance.
This page contains the text of a fact sheet on EPA's environmental-justice efforts.
This memorandum seeks to ensure that EPA Regions scrutinize all proposed plans, draft and final RODs, and post-ROD documents that address institutional controls.
The Enforcement Policy for Government-Owned/Contractor-Operated facilities provides Regions with guidelines to consider when bringing enforcement actions against contractor-operators.
Guidance on transfer of NPL-listed real property held by a federal agency where the release/disposal of hazardous substances has occurred but before necessary remedial action has been taken.
Memo from Bill Clinton on "Executive Order on Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations," statement from Carol Browner, fact sheet.
Memo about the opportunities for developing/applying innovative technologies/approaches to pollution prevention, source control, site investigation, and remediation at federal facilities.
EPA is issuing this policy to the Regions in order to clarify the Agency's role at privately-owned formerly used defense sites.
This memo presents guidance for establishing protective cleanup levels for radioactive contamination at Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act sites.
An Executive Order to ensure federal compliance with applicable pollution-control standards.
An Executive Order regarding how the federal government should manage its legal resources.
An Executive Order regarding the implementation of Superfund.
An Executive Order amending Executive Order 12580.
Another Executive Order amending Executive Order 12580.
This memorandum contains approaches that may be useful in expediting property transfers without hindering any ongoing environmental response action.
Copy of the US Court of Appeals (DC Circuit) decision in Edison Electric Institute, et al. v. EPA, which upheld EPA's radioactive/hazardous 'mixed waste' storage civil enforcement policy.
Federal Facilities (PDF) (2 pp, 159K) Year: 1985
The purpose of this memorandum is to clarify the responsibilities and direction of effort within the Office of Waste Programs Enforcement (OWPE) for federal-facility activities.
This page contains a table of requirements and EPA responsibilities associated with the Federal Facilities Compliance Act.
Much progress has been made in establishing new principles governing EPA's relationship with other federal agencies. We now need to ensure that RCRA/CERCLA issues are resolved efficiently.
This guide assists federal agencies in conducting Remedial Preliminary Assessments for determining whether further action at a site is necessary.
This guide assists federal agencies conducting Remedial Site Inspections to obtain sufficient information under CERCLA to meet National Contingency Plan requirements.
Focuses on streamlining the regulatory oversight processes at federal facilities in a systematic, planned manner based on site-specific factors and general streamlining techniques.
This page contains (1) a statement by George H.W. Bush about the Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act and (2) a discussion of the Federal Facility Compliance Act.
This page contains the text of the Federal Facility Compliance Act of 1992.
This is Daniel McGovern's follow-up to his January 28, 1992 memo on Federal Facility Base Closure Issues.
Federal Facility Site Definition (PDF) (4 pp, 182K) Year: 1991
This memorandum discusses how federal facilities are defined for purposes of National Priorities List listing.
Model DoD-State Memorandum of Agreement, developed by ASTSWMO and DoD with assistance from NAAG and NGA.
This guidance describes a communication framework that should improve compliance, accelerate environmental work, and increase efficiencies.
The PCC Strategy is a management framework of goals that is designed to provide greater assurance that remedies put in place under CERCLA remain protective over the long-term.
Five-Year Review Program Initiatives (6 pp, 2.0MB) Year: 2001
In response to recommendations, the Agency has developed a series of initiatives to improve the management of the Five-Year Review program and the quality of the reports.
This guidance provides technical direction to Environmental Protection Agency personnel in documenting and reporting land-revitalization achievements at Superfund and federal-facility sites.
This memorandum provides guidance for participation by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the FY 1998 Department of Energy (DOE) budget formulation process.
Guidance for evaluating the technical impracticability of attaining required ground-water cleanup levels and establishing alternative remedial strategies.
This guidance addresses the approach EPA should use in evaluating a federal agency's demonstration that a remedial action is "operating properly and successfully."
The purpose of this guidance is to encourage and support efforts at federal facilities to accelerate and develop streamlined approaches to the cleanup of hazardous waste.
Draft guidance on coordination of federal facility enforcement actions with the Office of Enforcement.
The deferral guidance provides a framework for Regions, States, and federally recognized Tribes to determine the best means of addressing more sites more quickly than EPA.
Addresses the approach EPA should use in determining whether to concur that a parcel has been properly identified by a military service as "uncontaminated" and therefore transferrable.
Summarizes the requirements and process for evaluating potential liability from environmental contamination as well as the environmental issues associated with real-property transfers.
Commonly referred to as the "ROD Guidance" — developed to provide recommended formats and content for Superfund remedial action decision documents.
The Guidelines provide a framework to EPA scientists for assessing possible cancer risks from exposures to pollutants or other agents in the environment. They will also inform Agency decision makers and the public about these recommended procedures.
This memo requests that EPA Regions consult with Headquarters on radioactively contaminated sites.
This memo reemphasizes EPA's Policy on coordination of RCRA and CERCLA cleanup at federal facilities and encourages coordination between the facilities and the regulatory agencies.
This memorandum concerns the status and direction of the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response's efforts to implement its program for hazardous-site cleanup at federal facilities.
Guidance to the Environmental Protection Agency on the exercise of its discretion when it is called upon to evaluate institutional controls as part of a remedial action.
This fact sheet provides Superfund and RCRA site managers and other decision makers with an overview of institutional controls and the factors to consider when evaluating and selecting ICs.
In 1995, Carol Browner announced the third round of Superfund Reforms, including one addressing "the use of risk-based priority setting for determining Federal Facility clean-up milestones."
This memo discusses Army Corps of Engineers statistical techniques, lists installations where SiteStat/GridStats have been used, and provides direction on communicating with the public.
The Environmental Protection Agency amended the interim status regulations for closing and providing postclosure care for hazardous-waste surface impoundments.
This guidance is intended to help Superfund risk managers make decisions that are based on sound science, are consistent across Regions, and present site risks in a transparent manner.
Joint statement providing interim policy on processing proposals for leasing DOE real property using the authority in 42 U.S.C. 7256, commonly referred to as the "Hall Amendment."
This document includes application to federal facilities of certain provisions of Senate and House amendments to the Solid Waste Disposal Act.
Additional info for considering land use in remedy-selection decisions under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act at National Priorities List sites.
Documents regarding a dispute between the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Air Force over Records of Decision (RODs) at Langley Air Force Base.
The purpose of this policy is to clarify roles and minimize overlapping Federal and state regulatory oversight of cleanups at federal facilities on the National Priorities List (NPL).
To apply lead-based paint requirements while eliminating property-transfer delays, the Department of Defense and Environmental Protection Agency developed this interim final Field Guide.
Letter to Raymond Dubois regarding post-ROD project management.
This notice announces an interim final revision to the Agency's policy on placing federal facility sites on the NPL and on deleting those sites already on the NPL.
This memo provides a common understanding and basis for discussion and coordination between the Environmental Council of the States and federal agencies regarding Long-Term Stewardship.
The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council chartered the Federal Facility Working Group in response to public comments regarding federal-facility issues.
This document contains model language for key provisions of CERCLA Federal Facility Agreements with the Department of Defense, including its three service components (Army, Navy and Air Force).
This memorandum discusses how the presence of naturally occurring radon on closing military bases affects the United States' ability to transfer parcels under §120(h) (3) and §120(h) (4).
This is a Department of Energy memorandum regarding negotiation of consent decrees, compliance agreements, and any similar agreements.
The off-site policy describes procedures that should be observed when a response action under CERCLA or Section 7003 of RCRA involves off-site storage, treatment or disposal of CERCLA waste.
The National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee's federal-facilities task force provided its report to OSWER in May 2005. FFRRO served as the lead respondent.
To implement Congressionally mandated action, the US EPA has issued guidance on the transfer of federal property contaminated with hazardous wastes, before cleanup completion.
The Executive Office has published numerous orders that direct Federal Agencies and facilities to become leaders in environmental protection and stewardship.
This memorandum guides EPA personnel on their roles and responsibilities when other federal agencies use Performance Based Contracting at federal facilities to conduct response actions.
The purpose of this memorandum is to transmit the Superfund policy for complying with the RCRA land disposal restrictions (LDRs) at Superfund sites.
Policy for decommissioning surplus Department of Energy facilities consistent with the requirements of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).
This is a memorandum from the U.S. Secretary of Energy, regarding future environmental compliance agreements.
This memorandum presents OSWER's policy on placement of hardrock mine waste in joint repositories at mixed-ownership, abandoned hardrock mine sites and mining-impacted watersheds.
The Federal Facilities Enforcement Office believes that mixed-ownership mine or mill sites created as a result of the General Mining Law of 1872 generally should not be listed on the Docket.
This policy addresses potential liability concerns of landowners and transferees who acquire federal-facility property.
EPA has produced these guides to aid its Regions and help other federal agencies improve the quality of Preliminary Assessments and Site Investigations.
Based on information acquired from evaluating and cleaning up sites with similar characteristics, Superfund is developing presumptive remedies to accelerate future cleanups.
The final version of the Justice Department's Procedures and Criteria for concurrence in proposed EPA administrative orders to federal agencies.
The purpose of this memorandum (guidance) is to define the requirements for partial deletions at National Priorities List (NPL) sites.
This directive describes several initiatives to facilitate the testing, demonstration, and use of innovative cleanup and field-measurement technologies.
In an attempt to eliminate double-counting of acreage at federal facilities, Regions should follow this process for zeroing out property leases that have turned into transfers.
Memorandum regarding the publication of RI/FS schedules for federal facilities.
This page contains two memos regarding the issuance of post-closure permits to RCRA-regulated units at NPL sites.
This report presents the results of an examination of remedy selection at Federal Facility Superfund sites on the National Priorities List.
Memo regarding whether federal agencies must give notice, in connection with property transfers, that hazardous substances have been used as building materials in that property.
This memo serves as a request to finalize revisions to CERCLA Delegation of Authority 14-21-A.
This memorandum reaffirms the need for Regions to be aware of Biennial Reporting requirements under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and their applicability to the cleanup process under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), as amended. Biennial Reporting requires Superfund sites that are Large Quantity Generators—and that ship hazardous waste offsite—to report by March 1 of every even-numbered year their hazardous waste management activities for the previous odd-numbered calendar year.
This directive transmits guidance on using authority under §104(a) of CERCLA, as amended, to respond to releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants within buildings.
EPA's response to "Environmental Justice and Federal Facilities: Recommendations for Improving Stakeholder Relations between Federal Facilities and Environmental Justice Communities."
This memo clarifies responsibilities between the Office of Waste Programs Enforcement and the Office of Emergency and Remedial Response for federal facilities.
This memo provides a transition for the Federal Facilities Program Manual development responsibilities and clarifies the responsibilities between two EPA offices for federal facilities.
This document provides recommended procedures for establishing and operating Restoration Advisory Boards (RABs). It is intended for installation, EPA, and State personnel and citizens.
This memorandum announces an agreement between the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency regarding review of proposed DOE Non-Time-Critical Superfund Removal Actions.
This memorandum transmits EPA's revised model comfort letter, which addresses various issues concerning perceived National Priorities List (NPL) stigma and Superfund liability.
This guidance document describes key principles and expectations, interspersed with "best practices," that should be consulted during the Superfund remedy-selection process.
Sample Federal Facility Land Use Control ROD Checklist with Suggested Language - This checklist applies to all federal facility RODs.
This final guidance provides recommended procedures for establishing and maintaining the Site-Specific Advisory Board.
This document provides technical background for developing methodologies described in the Soil Screening Guidance: User's Guide, along with additional information useful for soil screening.
To obtain and maintain authorization to administer and enforce a hazardous waste prog. under RCRA, States must have authority to regulate the hazardous components of radioactive mixed wastes.
This page discusses how FFRRO can collaborate with those involved in brownfields cleanup and/or redevelopment.
This page contains a table summarizing key statutes that affect federal facilities.
This is for EPA Regions reviewing requests from federal departments/agencies that are transferring property to defer the CERCLA covenant that all necessary remedial actions have been taken.
This transmits the final OSRTI/FFRRO Guidance for Documenting and Reporting Performance in Achieving Land Revitalization, and it provides an update on data-collection implementation plans.
Held: Congress has not waived the National Government's sovereign immunity from liability for civil fines imposed by a State for past violations of the CWA or RCRA.
This memorandum clarifies the use of §3008(h) orders and post-closure permits to address corrective action at closing interim status facilities.
This Directive clarifies EPA's policy regarding the use of monitored natural attenuation for the remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater at sites administered by OSWER.
The purpose of this policy is to focus Department of Energy line-management officials on conducting cleanup that is aimed at, and achieves, clearly defined, risk-based end states.
This memorandum addresses the use of the soil cleanup criteria in 40 CFR Part 192 when setting remediation goals at CERCLA sites with radioactive contamination.

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Munitions / Unexploded Ordnance

This memo discusses the MEC HA Methodology for assessing potential explosive hazards to human receptors at munitions response sites.
The use of accurate, descriptive terminology is important in the Department of Defense's ongoing efforts to engage stakeholders in its efforts to address munitions-response issues.
This page contains a letter from Timothy Fields to Sherri Goodman regarding the Department of Defense Range Rule.
This file contains DoD comments related to the Draft Munitions and Explosives of Concern Hazard Assessment Guidance Document.
This file contains the final responses related to the Draft Munitions and Explosives of Concern Hazard Assessment Guidance Document.
This file contains the State of Colorado's comments related to the Draft Munitions and Explosives of Concern Hazard Assessment Guidance Document.
This course provides training to project managers involved in the investigation and cleanup of unexploded ordnance, discarded military munitions, and (to some extent) munitions constituents.
This paper provides remedial project managers and other federal, state, and private personnel working on hazardous waste sites the technical information needed to make decisions regarding the nature of energetic residues on Department of Defense training ranges (and other munitions sites, such as Formerly Used Defense Sites), sampling strategies that provide representative samples, and analytical methods developed to characterize these samples.
Framework for overseeing responses involving munitions and explosives of concern and munitions constituents at locations other than ranges with known/suspected hazards/contamination.
This paper initiates an examination of how well the MRSPP Explosive Hazards Evaluation (EHE) module, as designed for its specific purpose, would meet the purposes of the MEC HA process.
This document's discussion and flowchart explain how the proposed MEC HA process could integrate with the site-investigation and decision-making process.
This handbook has been written for regulators and the public to facilitate understanding of the technical issues surrounding munitions response actions at current and former DoD facilities.
This handbook facilitates understanding of technical issues surrounding the investigation and cleanup of closed, transferring, and transferred ranges and other DoD sites.
This paper presents consensus decisions of an inter-agency, State, and Tribal Technical Working Group on Hazard Assessment (TWG-HA) of Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC).
This document contains the introduction and agenda of the workgroup.
This document contains the glossary and acronyms of the workgroup briefing book.
This document contains issue papers of the workgroup.
This document contains background materials of the workgroup.
This document contains the table of contents for the workgroup briefing book.
The MRSPP Explosive Hazard Evaluation is based on a broad view for comparing sites for prioritizing site investigations and responses. It does not take into account site-specific conditions.
The purpose of this letter is to transmit the support of the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) for the use of the Interim MEC-HA Methodology.
This paper identifies recommended performance objectives for the Munitions and Explosives of Concern Hazard Assessment (MEC HA) process currently under development.
This paper presents recommendations for input factors to be included in the MEC HA framework.
This paper discusses options for the remaining two elements of the MEC HA framework: the structure and the output.
MEC HA Matrix (Microsoft Excel) (39K) Year: 2007
A matrix illustrating MEC HA outreach planning.
This workbook helps project teams assess explosive hazards to human receptors at munitions response sites following the Munitions and Explosives of Concern Hazard Assessment methodology.
This slideshow about the MEC HA Initiative discusses the participants, progress, and process; the purpose of the initiative; and next steps and outreach.
This slideshow about the MEC HA Initiative discusses the participants, progress, and process; the purpose of the initiative; and next steps and outreach.
This slideshow about the MEC HA Initiative targets ASTSWMO (Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials).
This slideshow about the MEC HA Initiative targets the DoD's Munitions Response Committee.
This slideshow about the MEC HA Initiative targets stakeholders.
This slideshow about the MEC HA Initiative targets the US Air Force.
This fact sheet introduces stakeholders to the Munitions and Explosives of Concern Hazard Assessment (MEC HA) Initiative.
This document describes the munitions and explosives of concern hazard assessment methodology for assessing potential explosive hazards to human receptors at munitions response sites.
Recommendations for EPA Regional Offices on Preliminary Assessments and Site Inspections for the Department of Defense Military Munitions Response Program
DoD has an obligation at closed ranges to clean up munitions pursuant to state and federal statutory environmental cleanup authorities; DoD's cleanup is subject to state and EPA oversight.
This page contains a memo and interim guidance regarding unexploded ordnance at closed, transferring, and transferred ranges.
This report documents the findings of a study that examined methods for assessing the risks of unexploded ordnance (UXO) and munitions constituents on former military training land.
UXO Incident Report (Revision 1) (PDF) (471 pp, 1.3MB) Year: 2001
DPRA, Inc. identified incidents with unexploded ordnance, chemical munitions/agents, or other military munitions that resulted in death or injury to civilians in the United States.

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This report identifies and evaluates environmental-justice communities' concerns regarding federal facilities, and it formulates a set of policy recommendations to address these concerns.
The committee provides a blueprint for all stakeholders—the public, regulators, and regulated agencies—to develop creative solutions to environmental pollution at federal facilities.
This page briefly describes the Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee and provides links to that committee's final report.
This is a brochure about stakeholder involvement at federal facilities. Federal-facility cleanups improve when stakeholders share information and participate in decision making.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the federal facility cleanup program's progress and challenges.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the federal facility cleanup program's progress and challenges.
This summary of the Federal Facility Cleanup Dialogue meeting identifies issues and next steps.
This guide informs communities about the role of institutional controls (ICs) in cleanups, and it discusses the community's role in providing assistance in IC selection and monitoring.
This is a general brochure about EPA's involvement at federal facilities around Indian Country.

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Quality Assurance

This memo informs you that Quality Assurance Project Plans prepared and approved according to the UFP-QAPP meet the EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans (QA/R-5).
This document contains the text of the OSWER Quality Management Plan, along with the approval memorandum.
This report discusses the procurement and administration of the Department of Defense's environmental-testing contracts.
This report documents several best practices identified by the Department of Defense to assure that data collected to support decisions in the environmental program are of known quality.
This memorandum establishes specific actions that Regions must implement to enhance the quality and oversight of data collection and environmental decision-making processes.
Environmental Quality Systems (PDF) (9 pp, 59K) Year: 2006
Policy for establishing environmental quality systems for DoD activities and programs involving the collection, management, and use of environmental data.
This Directive transmits the final Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans and provides guidance on data collection at federal facility hazardous-waste sites.
The purpose of this fact sheet is to request comment on three Intergovernmental Data Quality Task Force work products.
This is a factsheet describing the Uniform Federal Policy for Implementing Environmental Quality Systems.
The purpose of this audit was to determine whether EPA had sufficient procedures in place to ensure laboratory data was of known and acceptable quality under federal facility agreements.
This memorandum informs recipients of the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response's initiatives related to Quality Assurance.
These electronic UFP-QAPP Worksheets are provided as a tool to be used when developing a QAPP for environmental-data collection.
A Quality Assurance Project Plan based on the Intergovernmental Data Quality Task Force UFP-QAPP.
This page contains tables that summarize data-quality best practices for federal facilities.
The policy provides recommendations and guidelines for documentation and implementation of acceptable quality systems for federal agencies.
The purpose of this Department of Defense memorandum is to request that Components begin immediate implementation of the policy.
Part 1 of the UFP-QAPP Manual provides instructions for preparing Quality Assurance Project Plans for any environmental data-collection operation.
The purpose of this QA/QC Compendium is to establish minimum specifications for data-quality activities for all phases and data uses in the CERCLA process.
This workbook provides worksheet examples and may be used by lead organizations and contractors to assist in preparing Quality Assurance Project Plans for environmental data gathering.

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Miscellaneous Reports and Bulletins

This report summarizes the results of the Streamlined Approach for Environmental Restoration pilot projects through the end of Fiscal Year 1995.
The Report describes the Department's accomplishments during the past year in its restoration, conservation, compliance, and pollution-prevention programs.
The Superfund Administrative Reforms Strategy highlights accomplishments that can be attributed to the Reforms and identifies priorities for the remainder of FY 2000 and FY 2001.
The purpose of this fact sheet is to summarize findings from a newly released report entitled "Streamlining Initiatives: Impact of Federal Facilities Cleanup Process."
The objective of the presumptive remedies initiative is to use clean-up techniques shown to be effective in the past at similar sites in the future.
This bulletin presents findings from municipal-landfill pilots, particularly regarding the level of detail appropriate for establishing risk—and a basis for remedial action—at two sites.
EPA's programs have worked at almost 90 wood-treatment sites, gaining a lot of data and experience in the process. Thus, we are ready to standardize remedy-selection for these sites.

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Send comments to: comments_ffrro@epa.gov

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