
Success of the Women In Military Service For America Memorial Foundation can be directly attributed to the strength of its volunteer force. In fact, without the countless hours of dedicated, quality volunteer support, the Memorial would not be the reality it is today. The future of the Memorial will also be determined by the quality and generosity of volunteers for the Foundation's many projects.

To volunteer your time to the Foundation, please contact the Public Relations Department at 703-533-1155, 800-222-2294 or by e-mailing hq@womensmemorial.org.

Volunteer opportunities are open to everyone, worldwide. Prior military experience is helpful, but anyone with enthusiasm, dedication, and a willingness to contribute to the mission of the Women's Memorial is welcome.

The following volunteer opportunities are available at the Memorial, the Foundation office and worldwide.

Veterans, history buffs and people interested in the story of women's contributions in defense of America should consider volunteering with the Curator's Office at the Women's Memorial. Volunteers:

Still looking for other ways to help?