FEMA campaign urges awareness, involvement
  • FEMA campaign urges awareness, involvement

  • The Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security is urging citizens to “Resolve to be Ready” in 2012.

  • The Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security is urging citizens to “Resolve to be Ready” in 2012.


    The campaign is part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Ready Campaign, which is a nationwide effort aimed at increasing awareness and encouraging individuals, families, businesses and communities to take action and prepare for emergencies in the New Year.

    “Resolve to be Ready,” is two-pronged — promoting a free  neighborhood preparedness program with a “Map Your Neighborhood” element and urging everyone to be informed, have a plan and emergency kits for their homes, vehicles and workplaces.


    “Map Your Neighborhood” is a free training program that assists in organizing emergency plans for neighborhoods. Kim Carter, Oklahoma Homeland Security Director, said the program teaches neighborhood leaders “how to walk their neighbors” through a simple step-by-step process to customize an emergency plan for their area.


    Carter called the program a “unique and useful” opportunity.


    “Participants learn how to prepare for and respond to a variety of emergencies including those especially relevant to Oklahomans such as tornados, ice storms and earthquakes,” Carter said.


    Carter also called emergency kits for homes, vehicles and workplaces the “first step” for individual and family preparedness. Along with emergency kits, the OKOHS urges everyone to have a plan and be informed. Detailed information about the three-step process is available online at RedDirtReady.com. Oklahoman residents can also use the website to register to win a free emergency kit. The drawing will be conducted Jan. 31.


    “Instead of being fearful of the unexpected we hope to build confidence by helping Oklahomans prepare for a variety of emergencies,” Carter said. “By following a few simple steps in advance, you can minimize the impact an emergency can have on you, your family or your business.”

    OKOHS officials said assembling emergency kits is easier than most people think.


    Kits should have three days worth of emergency supplies for each member of the family

    Here’s the list of what each kit should contain:


    * Battery-powered or hand-crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with one alert


    * Extra batteries for both radios


    * Flashlight and extra batteries


    * A whistle — to be used as a signal when needing help


    * Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation


    * Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities


    * Local maps


    * Cell phone and chargers


    * Fresh water — for drinking and sanitation (One gallon of water per person per day for at least three days)


    * Food — at least a three-day supply of nonperishable food per person


    * Clean air — items to create a barrier between you and airborne contamination


    * Warmth — sleeping bags or blankets for each person, complete changes of clothing including a long sleeve shirt, long pants and sturdy shoes


    * Medications


    * Infant formula and diapers


    * Pet food and water


    * Copies of  insurance policies, identification, bank accounts placed in a waterproof, portable container


    * Cash or travelers checks


    * Emergency information — like first aid book


    * Chlorine bleach and medicine dropper — to be used as disinfectant


    * Fire extinguisher


    * Matches in waterproof container


    * Personal hygiene items


    * Mess kits or paper cups, plates, plastic utensils and paper towers.


    * Paper and pencil


    * Books, games, puzzles and activities for children.


    More information about “Resolve to be Ready” kits can be found online at RedDirtReady.com.

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