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ESEA Flexibility


The U.S. Department of Education is inviting each State educational agency (SEA) to request flexibility on behalf of itself, its local educational agencies, and schools, in order to better focus on improving student learning and increasing the quality of instruction. This voluntary opportunity will provide educators and State and local leaders with flexibility regarding specific requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) in exchange for rigorous and comprehensive State-developed plans designed to improve educational outcomes for all students, close achievement gaps, increase equity, and improve the quality of instruction.

April 30, 2012

The Obama Record in Education

Thank you, Mark.

Good morning and welcome to Washington, delegates.

This is the third Mom Congress, and I've been honored to be at all three of them. I'm even more honored to have partners like you working across America to support education.

April 2, 2012

Prepared Remarks of U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on the Report, "Arts Education in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools: 2009-10"

Note: Speaker deviated from prepared remarks

I'm delighted to be back in a school, and have the chance to talk to students, teachers, and parents. I loved hearing the Miner Glee Club. What a great, arts-infused school!

February 29, 2012

26 More States and D.C. Seek Flexibility from NCLB to Drive Education Reforms in Second Round of Requests

Twenty-six new states and the District of Columbia have formally submitted requests to the U.S. Department of Education for waivers from key provisions of No Child Left Behind. This adds to the 11 states that the Obama Administration announced earlier this month had developed and agreed to implement bold education reforms in exchange for relief from burdensome federal mandates.

ESEA Flexibility Requests and Related Documents

This page provides access to ESEA Flexibility Requests submitted by states, and other related documents.

Department Awards Nearly $5 Million in Charter School Grants for Planning, Program Design, Implementation and Dissemination

(October 5, 2011)  The U.S. Department of Education announced today charter school grants totaling $4,792,526 to charter developers for planning, program design, and initial implementation, as well as for dissemination. These Charter School Program Non-state Educational Agency (Non-SEA) grants will assist in expanding the number of high quality charter schools in the nation by providing funding to 23 new, or recently opened, charter schools over the next three years. These grants will also provide three high quality charter schools the ability to partner with other charter and non-charter public schools to improve academic performance and share effective practices.

Education Innovation: What It Is and Why We Need More of It

Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Innovation and Improvement Jim Shelton was the featured guest blogger on Education Week’s “Sputnik” blog on September 28.  To read Shelton’s piece, “Education Innovation: What It Is and Why We Need More of It,” check here.

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September 23, 2011

Obama Administration Sets High Bar for Flexibility from No Child Left Behind in Order to Advance Equity and Support Reform

Washington — In an effort to support local and state education reform across America, the White House today outlined how states can get relief from provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act—or No Child Left Behind (NCLB)—in exchange for serious state-led efforts to close achievement gaps, promote rigorous accountability, and ensure that all student

March 22, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

Thank you, Elise. And thanks to United Way LA for convening this Summit, and for its steadfast commitment to driving education reform here.

I believe that this Summit is timed just right, because the public school system of Los Angeles is at a crossroads today.

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