Posts tagged: wind power

New Forest Service Wind Power Facility to Boost Vermont Economy

Reduced Turbines on Western Ridge, Harriman Reservoir, Vermont. Photo courtesy of Iberdrola Renewables.

Reduced Turbines on Western Ridge, Harriman Reservoir, Vermont. Photo courtesy of Iberdrola Renewables.

The U.S. Forest Service has approved construction of a wind energy facility on the Green Mountain National Forest in Vermont. Read more »

With USDA Support, Indiana Company Begins Wind Study

Petoskey Plastics, owners of a Blackford County-based plastics recycling and manufacturing facility, completed installation last week of a Meteorological (MET) tower at its Hartford City location.  The MET tower will measure wind speed, velocity and direction, as well as provide the first precise wind information in Blackford County.  The information will also allow Petoskey Plastics to evaluate the feasibility of wind power as a possible source of energy for its Hartford City operations.

With assistance from the Blackford County Economic Development Corporation, Petoskey Plastics applied for and received funding for the wind power feasibility study through the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) from the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development.  Petoskey Plastics was one of 68 recipients nationwide chosen to receive study grants. Read more »

Farm-Based and Wind Energy Powers an Entire County in Wisconsin

USDA funding of biodigester technology, coupled with nearby wind turbines, produce enough renewable energy to power an entire Wisconsin county.

USDA funding of biodigester technology, coupled with nearby wind turbines, produce enough renewable energy to power an entire Wisconsin county.

The escalation in prices for energy from fossil fuel has set the stage for the domestic production of renewable energy as a national priority. Not only can the production of renewable energy reduce fossil fuel dependence, but it has the potential to create quality American jobs, combat global warming, and lay a strong foundation for a robust rural economy. This point was not only emphasized in President Obama’s State of the Union address in January, but again upon the President’s recent visit to two Manitowoc, Wisconsin, businesses; showcasing them as leaders in solar power and energy-efficient technology. Read more »