Air National Guard Band of the West Coast   Right Corner Banner
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Sponsor Info
Band Appearances Band Appearances

The Air National Guard Band of the West Coast would be proud to play for your community.  Our geographical area of responsibility covers Northern California, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming.  If you are within our area, then please use the Contact Us option at the bottom of the page to get more information.  If you are not within our area, please view this page for links to the other ANG Bands.
tabSponsor Information 
The Sponsor plays a key role in creating a successful concert.  The Sponsor has four key roles:
  • Obtain the best possible concert site
  • Inform the citizens in the area of the bands appearance
  • Encourage the citizens to attend
  • Maintain control of the free admission tickets, if necessary
See the Sponsor Packet for more detail on each of these roles.  Also included in the packet is information about the Stage Manager's role for arranging the stage, and the Printer's guide for any printed material that needs to be produced.

The Sponsor Packet also includes biographies about each of the groups within the ANG Band of the West Coast.  This information can help you decide which group is best for your particular venue, and is also available on the Ensembles tab.
tabSponsor Packet 
A detailed sponsor packet with information about the sponsor's role along with information about all the different groups within the ANG Band of the West Coast is located at the link below.  Additionally, an electronic version of the official request form is provided.

Sponsor Packet

Official Request Form

 Inside West Coast

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tabContact Us
ANG Band of the West Coast
680 Macon Rd, Stop 6
Moffett Federal Air Field, CA 94035-0103

Phone: (650) 603-9330
Fax: (650) 603-9423

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