Posts tagged: dairy

Secretary Vilsack Tours Progressive Pennsylvania

 From left: James Ringler, Glenn Stoltzfus, AU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack, Duane Stoltzfus and Dwight Stoltzfus. The Stoltzfus brothers explain how the compost solids are produced from their anaerobic digester. An anaerobic digester is a component of a waste management system that captures biogas for energy production a byproduct of this system are compost solids that are used for bedding for the dairy’s cattle. The anaerobic digester practice is part of a planned conservation management system that manages manure and/or comprehensive nutrient management system. Secretary Vilsack visited the Stoltzfus’  Pennwood Dairy Farms on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 to announce the United States Department of Agriculture’s energy efficiency programs and announced a new effort to help rural consumers make affordable, energy-efficient improvements to their homes and businesses. USDA photo by Bob Nichols.

Secretary Vilsack visited the Stoltzfus’ Pennwood Dairy Farms on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 to announce the United States Department of Agriculture’s energy efficiency programs and announced a new effort to help rural consumers make affordable, energy-efficient improvements to their homes and businesses. USDA photo by Bob Nichols.

On a muggy day in July, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack visited a Pennsylvania dairy farm that is using an anaerobic digester to convert manure into electricity and high quality bedding, cutting energy costs and providing a resting area for more contented cows.  The digester, which went on-line a year ago, was funded in part with the support of USDA Rural Development. Read more »

Bringing a Glimpse of Argentina to the States

Festival Argentino organizer Daniel Manzoni. For 25 years, Daniel has brought this cultural event to the Washington, D.C., area.

Here at USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), we believe it is important to have a great work-life balance.  All of our employees do a tremendous job supporting the agriculture industry and everyone it touches.  However, it is just as important that everyone enjoys their time outside of the office.  As their administrator, it is fascinating to hear some of the great things our employees do in their spare time.  One of those examples I would like to share with you is the extracurricular work of our own Dairy Programs employee, Daniel Manzoni. Read more »

Dairy Farmers: Stewards of a Healthy Planet

Agriculture Deputy Secretary Dr. Kathleen Merrigan with Victor Orlowski President of Professional Engineers for the Dairy Industry as he demonstrates new equipment on the Zimmerman Dairy in Queen Creek, Arizona, on Tuesday,  March 27, 2012. USDA Photo by Aaron Lavallee.

Agriculture Deputy Secretary Dr. Kathleen Merrigan with Victor Orlowski President of Professional Engineers for the Dairy Industry as he demonstrates new equipment on the Zimmerman Dairy in Queen Creek, Arizona, on Tuesday, March 27, 2012. USDA Photo by Aaron Lavallee.

Cross posted from the blog:

This month we celebrate National Dairy Month and honor dairy producers across the nation who work day and night to make sure that we have a safe, affordable and healthy dairy supply. Read more »

Organic 101: The Lifecycle of Organic Food Production

This is the fifth installment of the Organic 101 series that explores different aspects of the USDA organic regulations.

Through defined farming practices, organic principles promote ecological balance, foster the cycling of resources, and conserve biodiversity. To understand what that means when it comes to the label on your food, those principles require some more explanation.

Let’s take a closer look at a snapshot of sustainable food production, using the lifecycle of organic cheddar to get a fuller picture. Read more »

Managing the Escalating Risks of Farming

Lancaster County, PA – Dairy farmer Luke Brubaker has managed risks well enough to establish a long history of successful, and environmentally friendly farming. At age 67, however, he recognizes that now is the riskiest time he has seen. Read more »

USDA and DOJ hold Historic Workshop on Competitiveness in Dairy Sector, Hear from Nation’s Dairy Farmers

USDA Agriculture Secretary Vilsack kicked off the third in a series of five workshops on competition in agriculture today. Speaking to a packed house of more then 500 small and large dairy farmers, FFA members and members of the public at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Vilsack highlighted the struggles of those living in rural America and the need to explore the appropriate role for antitrust and regulatory enforcement in the dairy industry. Read more »