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News > Air Force trumpets in 60th anniversary, honors new enlistees
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Blue Bells
Staff Sgt. Joseph Frye, a musician with the Air National Guard Band of the Smoky Mountains, plays "Blue Bells of Scotland" June 27 during a concert in McMinnville, Tenn. The concert was part of the Air Force’s 60th anniversary celebration. (Photo by Tim White)
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Air Force trumpets in 60th anniversary, honors new enlistees

Posted 6/28/2007   Updated 11/14/2008 Email story   Print story


by Joel Fortner

6/28/2007 - MCMINNVILLE, Tenn. -- In honor of the Air Force's 60th anniversary, a celebration featuring the Air National Guard Band of the Smoky Mountains was held Wednesday at Warren County High School in McMinnville, Tenn.

The auditorium was nearly packed for the two-hour concert that included traditional concert band pieces, rock and patriotic music that brought people to their feet with applause.

However, the music was not the only thing that drew applause.

Midway through the show, Arnold Engineering Development Center Commander, Col. Arthur Huber swore in six new Air Force recruits.

These recruits are joining the Air Force at a difficult time for the nation, Colonel Huber said.

The colonel contrasted the time when he commissioned in the 1980s during the Cold War, and today as the nation is fighting a "hot war," when everyone who joins the military stands the chance of being put in harm's way.

As soon as the word "congratulations" was spoken by Colonel Huber, the audience, which included active-duty members and veterans from all service branches, gave the new recruits a standing ovation.

The Air Force's 60th anniversary was not the only anniversary honored Wednesday. This year Warren County is celebrating its bicentennial, remarked upon by Warren County Executive John Pelham.

Warren County sanctioned the evening as an official bicentennial event.

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