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Welcome to Women Build!

Habitat’s volunteer program for women who want to learn construction skills, and build homes and communities.

Women Build: Take the Challenge (Slideshow)

No experience necessary

If you don’t have any construction skills, don’t worry! Many women come to Women Build sites with no construction skills at all and still make a great impact. Professionals will be on-site to provide instruction and guidance. 


Women Build projects are regularly held across the United States and in more than 30 countries. Besides construction, local Habitat affiliates can use your help in a variety of ways. 

2012 Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project 
Follow the Women Build team as they build homes in Léogâne, Haiti during this year's Carter Work Project. 

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Women Build

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Lowe’s helps Women Build keep the momentum going

Lowe’s is a major sponsor and underwriter of Women Build and has generously supported our efforts for many years. Lowe’s sponsors National Women Build Week each year, provides competitive grant opportunities and offers free how-to clinics for U.S. Women Build affiliates.

Lowe’s is committing $1.5 million to National Women Build Week 2013. They are also providing $5,000 Lowe’s store gift cards and event support materials to 300 Habitat affiliates.