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Connecting Accounts Frequently Asked Questions

What is meant by Connecting Accounts?

Connecting Accounts is a process that allows a user to enter one username and password in order to go to more than one web site.

For example: If you use your DS Logon Premium credentials to log into your eBenefits account, you can go directly to your My HealtheVet account without an additional log in. This is considered a Single Sign-On (SSO) and your two accounts are connected.

However, you are not required to have an upgraded My HealtheVet account (In-Person Authentication) to connect your eBenefits & My HealtheVet accounts.

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What are the benefits of connecting my accounts?

Connecting accounts

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How can I connect my accounts?

You should be automatically logged into your My HealtheVet Account as a VA Patient. However, if the connection between the accounts was not made, you will land on the My HealtheVet Homepage. Then log in with your My HealtheVet Username and Password.

Note: To successfully connect your eBenefits and My HealtheVet accounts your personal information in DEERS and your My HealtheVet account MUST match exactly. (e.g., full name, Social Security Number (SSN), date of birth (DOB) and gender). For help, go to: What can I do if my accounts do not match

*A DS Logon Premium Account is the same thing as having an eBenefits Premium Account

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What can I do if my accounts do not match?

You should check your personal information in My HealtheVet against what is in DEERS.

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Can I use my eBenefits/DS Logon Premium account to connect to My HealtheVet?

Yes, you can use your eBenefits/DS Logon Premium account to connect or map to My HealtheVet. 'Mapping' is a process that provides you automatic access between web sites using a single Username and Password.

For example: You can connect or map your eBenefits/DS Logon Premium Account with your My HealtheVet VA Patient account. When you logon eBenefits you will be able to access eBenefits features. Then use a link to move to your My HealtheVet account. You can then view your Personal Health Record and other features without logging on again.

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Is there anything that could prevent me from connecting my accounts?

Yes, there are things that could prevent your accounts from connecting. Your accounts will only connect if you meet the following:

For example: If a female Veteran was single while in the military, her military record has her last name documented as her maiden name. If she applies for a DS Logon, it uses her last documented name in DEERS. However, after she separated from the military she married. When she registered on My HealtheVet she registered giving her last name as her married name. Because her last name is different, the system is unable to complete a match and will not connect her eBenefits account to her My HealtheVet account.

Note: To request changes to your personal information in DEERS

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Once I connect my accounts how do I log out?

To log out, select the Logout button on the Member Logout Box located on the My HealtheVet homepage. This will log you out of both your eBenefits and My HealtheVet sessions.

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Can I use my eBenefits/DS Logon Premium account to login My HealtheVet without going through eBenefits?

No, you cannot log directly into your My HealtheVet account using your eBenefits/DS Logon Premium account. You must come through eBenefits first. If you come to My HealtheVet first, you will need to use the My HealtheVet Username and Password that you created.

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If I have an eBenefits/DS Logon Premium account will it automatically upgrade my My HealtheVet account?

No, having an eBenefits/DS Logon Premium account does not automatically upgrade your My HealtheVet account.

Note: If you are enrolled in a VA health care facility, have registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet, and have an eBenefits Premium account, you may be able to start to upgrade your My HealtheVet account online. If you start to upgrade your account online, you will not have to go through In-Person Authentication at your VA health care facility.

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Will I be able to get an upgraded My HealtheVet account online?

Yes, this is an authentication process that can be done on-line to determine whether someone is, in fact, who they are declared to be. Some eBenefits users with a DS Logon Premium Account will be able to upgrade their My HealtheVet account without visiting a local VA facility.

To learn more go to How to upgrade my My HealtheVet account online

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Can anyone upgrade their My HealtheVet account online?

Not necessarily. To upgrade your My HealtheVet account online, you need to:

Note: If you choose not to upgrade your account online, you can still get an upgraded My HealtheVet account the next time you visit your local VA health care facility. To learn more select In-Person Authentication (IPA).

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How do I get an upgraded My HealtheVet account online?

After you have successfully Connected your Accounts, if you are a 'VA Patient' in My HealtheVet and do not have an upgraded account, you will be asked if you would like to upgrade your account today ...Online!

On the page Start Upgrading Your My HealtheVet Account Today...follow these steps:

  1. Download, print and sign the VA Release of Information (ROI) form (VA Form 10-5345a-MHV)
  2. Mail your signed form to the Release of Information Office at your local VA health care facility. Use the VA Facility Locator to find the address
  3. Now select Yes - Upgrade My Account.


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Why didn't my account upgrade after I selected Yes - Upgrade My Account?

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I followed the steps to upgrade my account online, why is my account not upgraded?

Your online upgrade may be delayed or not get processed for the following:

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How will I know when my My HealtheVet account has been upgraded?

You will know that your My HealtheVet account has been upgraded when you are able to view the Secure Messaging tab at the top of the homepage. You will also be able to view your VA Appointments, VA Chemistry/Hematology and other key portions of your VA health record.

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If I go to another website will I get timed out?

Yes, you may. Most government websites have a timeout period. This is done as a security measure. If you leave one website to go to another you may get timed out. If this happens you may need to log on to that website again.

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What is the DS Logon Account Request Portal?

The DS Logon Account Request Portal allows My HealtheVet users who have an upgraded account (completed the In-Person Authenticated (IPA) process) to obtain a DS Logon Premium Account. The My HealtheVet IPA process proves a VA patient's identity. The Account Request Portal allows them to obtain a DS Logon Premium account without additional in-person validation.

The Department of Defense (DoD) Self-Service (DS) Logon is a secure, logon ID. A DS Logon is a credential (User name and Password) that is accepted by many DoD and VA self-service websites. If you are already registered in DEERS, you are eligible for a DS Logon.

The DS Logon Home Page has information about DS Logon, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), contact information, and links to other resources.

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What can I do if I have problems with my DS Logon account?

You can use the contact information found at the bottom of the My Access Center landing page if you have any questions regarding your DS Logon account.

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What is DEERS?

DEERS stands for Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System. It is a worldwide, computerized record of uniformed Servicemembers (sponsors), their family members, and others who are eligible for military benefits. Enrollment in DEERS is automatic for all Servicemembers and Veterans who have served since 1982. Those who served prior to 1982 are being added from VA/DoD records. To request a change to your personal information in DEERS or learn more you can visit the DEERS homepage.

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