Posts tagged: Single Family Housing Programs

Teaming Up to Support Rural Community Colleges

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack welcomes  Secretary of Education Arne Duncan as he enters the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the Education Stakeholders Organization meeting held at the Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Nov. 6, 2009.

Secretary Duncan, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and their agencies are working together to support community colleges as they provide postsecondary education and career training in rural areas.

Cross posted from the Department of Education blog:

It’s no secret that community colleges are leading the way to achieving the President’s goal for the United States to once again have the highest college attainment rate in the world by 2020. Community colleges are hubs for career-training, re-training, adult education and for recent high school graduates seeking a pathway into the careers of their choice. Read more »