Georgia Recovery Act Project to Improve Water Quality in the Savannah River

Student Reporter Sarah Burk at the Port Wentworth Treatment Plant site.

Student Reporter Sarah Burk at the Port Wentworth Treatment Plant site.

My name is Sarah Burk and I live in Savannah, Georgia. I am 13 years old and am home-schooled. I am going to update you on the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Port Wentworth, Georgia. Read more »

Michelle Obama Praises Schools in Louisiana for Taking the HealthierUS School Challenge

First Lady Obama praises schools for improving child nutrition.

First Lady Obama praises schools for improving child nutrition.

I just took part in an exciting event at Brock Elementary School in Slidell, Louisiana. The school proudly hosted a visit by First Lady Michelle Obama on September 8, when she spoke about her Let’s Move! initiative and the importance of a healthy lifestyle for kids. As you can imagine, the school administration, food service staff and the students were all thrilled to have the First Lady at their school. This school was chosen because of the exemplary job they have done in providing healthy meals and physical activity for their students. Read more »

USDA Recovery Act Funds North Dakota Water Project to Benefit Thousands of Residents

Left to right: Greg Larson, SCRWD Board of Director; Jim Vander Vorst, State Line Water Cooperative; Kathleen Schneider, U.S. Senator Kent Conrad’s representative; Marion Houn, U.S. Senator Bryon Dorgan’s representative; Eric Volk, ND Rural Water Systems Association; Jasper Schneider, USDA Rural Development North Dakota State Director; Dave Koland, Executive Director of Garrison Diversion Conservancy District 11; Joe LaFave, SCRWD Board President; Congressman Earl Pomeroy; Doug Neibauer, Executive Director SCRWD; Harley Swenson, ND State Water Commission; Matt Burthold, USDA Rural Development Business Program Specialist; and Glenn McCrory, Emmons County Water Resource Board.

Left to right: Greg Larson, SCRWD Board of Director; Jim Vander Vorst, State Line Water Cooperative; Kathleen Schneider, U.S. Senator Kent Conrad’s representative; Marion Houn, U.S. Senator Bryon Dorgan’s representative; Eric Volk, ND Rural Water Systems Association; Jasper Schneider, USDA Rural Development North Dakota State Director; Dave Koland, Executive Director of Garrison Diversion Conservancy District 11; Joe LaFave, SCRWD Board President; Congressman Earl Pomeroy; Doug Neibauer, Executive Director SCRWD; Harley Swenson, ND State Water Commission; Matt Burthold, USDA Rural Development Business Program Specialist; and Glenn McCrory, Emmons County Water Resource Board.

The day was hot and windy, but the mood on the banks of the Missouri River was electrifying as North Dakota USDA Rural Development State Director Jasper Schneider joined Congressman Earl Pomeroy, South Central Regional Water District board members, farmers, ranchers, and city folk recently to witness the long-awaited groundbreaking for a new water treatment facility. Read more »

An Environment of Safety and Risk Management

The recapture of the two fugitives on a National Forest last month made headlines across the nation. An alert Forest Service employee became integral to the recapture and the successful end to this situation. In a matter of just a few moments, this employee made several key decisions and took specific actions that prevented a potentially violent outcome. Read more »