Nebraska Makes Four Recovery Summer Tour Visits

State Director Maxine Moul presents plaque to the President of Allo, Brad Moline for the Recovery Act funds Allo Communications secured to improve telecommunications services in part of Nebraska.

State Director Maxine Moul presents plaque to the President of Allo, Brad Moline for the Recovery Act funds Allo Communications secured to improve telecommunications services in part of Nebraska.

USDA Rural Development Nebraska State Director Maxine Moul and staff celebrated four Summer Recovery Tour projects last month, in three days and encompassing more than 900 miles.  The success and impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment dollars in Nebraska were highlighted. Read more »

On The Right Track At The Nevada State Fair

Fall 2010 Lattin Farms corn maze inspired by the USDA Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food initiative.

Fall 2010 Lattin Farms corn maze inspired by the USDA Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food initiative.

Cross posted from the White House Blog.

Ed. Note: Building on the President’s commitment to address issues important to rural Americans, Administration officials are visiting State Fairs around the country, see a map of where we’ve been so far.

When you grow up in rural America, as I did, there is nothing more exciting than the state or county fair.  Showing livestock, competing in baking and quilting contests, eyeing the latest farm equipment, and dipping the season’s first apples in caramel are perennial favorites among America’s rural youth.  So when I visited the Nevada State Fair last week, I made a quick beeline to the 4H and FFA exhibits to see if things were the same as ‘when I was a kid.’ Read more »

On Civil Rights at USDA, and the Secretary’s Reflections

Two weeks ago Secretary Vilsack took a moment to share some of his thoughts about USDA’s sad history on civil rights and the progress we have made to put it behind us.  I was not surprised to see the outpouring of thoughts and comments that blog post inspired, including many from USDA employees.  Read more »

An Ag Expert Looks Back at Iraq and Afghanistan

Ryan Brewster served as an agricultural expert in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ryan Brewster served as an agricultural expert in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

This morning at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recognized the efforts of more than 20 USDA employees who served as civilian agricultural experts in Afghanistan and Iraq. The agricultural experts were part of the Obama Administration’s commitment to provide civilian assistance abroad to help promote long-term economic development. 

One of those agricultural experts, Ryan Brewster, served for nearly three years in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Here are his recollections: Read more »

USDA Recovery Act Funding Buoys Broadband Expectations for Rural Illinois

USDA Rural Development’s Illinois State Director Colleen Callahan along with Gov. Pat Quinn, Gibson City  contractor Mike Sizemore, and school technology director Terry Sullivan talk about the benefit of high-speed Internet coming to 11 rural Illinois counties thanks to  a Recovery Act Broadband award.

USDA Rural Development’s Illinois State Director Colleen Callahan along with Gov. Pat Quinn, Gibson City contractor Mike Sizemore, and school technology director Terry Sullivan talk about the benefit of high-speed Internet coming to 11 rural Illinois counties thanks to a Recovery Act Broadband award.

The excitement was readily apparent when Rural Development Illinois State Director Colleen Callahan and Governor Pat Quinn announced Aug. 31 that 66,000 Cellular One customers in 11 east central Illinois counties would be getting high speed Internet service.  Read more »