Denali Commission Banner

Alaska Project Database

Click on the State of Alaska icon to view an interactive map of all Denali Commission projects by funding year, location, and program area.

Denali Commission - Partnering to develop Alaska's basic infrastructure
FY12 Road Project Selections Memo

The Denali Commission's (Commission's) Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) met in Anchorage, AK June 6-7, 2012 to score federal fiscal year (FFY)

2012 Distressed - Non Distressed List

The 2012 "Distressed" Community Criteria prepared by the AK Department of Labor for the Denali Commission is now available online. Please contact Ms. Adison Wetzel

Healthy Alaskans 2020: What are the important health issues in your community?

The State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium have partnered to conduct a survey of all Alaskans