Application Deadline Approaches for 2009 Crop Assistance Funds

A little over a week remains for eligible producers to apply for assistance for 2009 losses under the Crop Assistance Program (CAP). Applications must be submitted by Dec. 9 for producers of rice, upland cotton, soybeans and sweet potatoes to be eligible for up to $550 million in disaster assistance for losses caused by excessive moisture or related conditions in 2009.

Assistance is available to producers of eligible crops in counties that received Secretarial disaster designations as a result of excessive moisture or related conditions in 2009.  A list of eligible disaster counties for CAP is located on our website.   Per-acre payment rates will be prorated by FSA, if applicable, to keep expenditures within established program funding limits.  Producers initially receive 75 percent of their calculated CAP payment.  After sign-up is complete, producers may receive up to an additional 25 percent.

The general eligibility provisions, payment limits and adjusted gross income limits that apply to other FSA programs apply to CAP.  Producers interested in signing up for CAP must do so at the FSA county office where their farm records are maintained before close of business Dec. 9, 2010.  For more information about USDA Farm Service Agency disaster assistance programs, visit a local FSA county office or our website .

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