ARL celebrates 20th Anniversary

ARL celebrates 20th Anniversary

October 2012 marks the 20th Anniversary of the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL).

In October 1992, ARL was formed, emerging out of the Base Realignment and Closure process and other evaluations. The new lab consolidated the seven corporate labs of the Laboratory Command with other Army research... More


ARL showcases research at 2012 Maneuver Conference

The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) recently participated in the 2012 Maneuver Conference at the Iron Works Convention and Trade Center in Columbus, Ga. as part of a Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) joint exhibit.

The theme for this year's conference was "The... More

Mark Kregal, HRED, demonstrates the high definition, 3D vision system that is used to provide very realistic and dynamic views of IEDs or their indicators to a Soldier attending the 2012 Maneuver Conference.  The high definition combined with 3D enables the Soldier to see and interpret a level of detail required to detect IEDs and their indicators.

SMART program paves the way for recent ARL hire

After completing two eight-week internship's through the Department of Defense's Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) scholarship for service program, Chris Garneau, who is a recent graduate of Penn State University, began working full time at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory's (ARL) Human Research... More

Chris Garneau is a mechanical engineer with HRED's MANPRINT Methods and Analysis Branch. He currently works on the Tool Development Team and, in addition to developing mobile software applications and tools for human factors integration, is coordinating research for the newly established System Assessment and Usability Laboratory (SAUL).

New talks to broaden military science, tech research collaboration between U.S., Chile

Discussions are underway between the Chilean Army and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) to study behaviors of weapon systems and material varying environments, particularly desert and cold.

Both say advanced research in those areas would... More

A delegation of officials representing the Chilean Army and RDECOM's Forward Element Command in Santiago, Chile toured ARL's Weapons and Material Research Directorate and the Vehicle Technology Directorate September 24. (ARL Photo by Doug LaFon)


New ARL thermoelectric technology, approaches to reclaim wasted energy

U.S. Army researchers are scavenging heat that pours from major weapon system engines or tailpipes and turning it into electrical power, and if their experiments prove applicable across multiple military platforms, ground and air vehicles could get built smaller, weigh less and potentially save billions in fuel costs.... More

Shadow Tactical Unmanned Aerial System (UAS).  (Photo by Kris Osborn)

Defense's largest investment in supercomputing leads to Army R&D synergy in predictive modeling

Teams of Army experts have spent the last five months laying the groundwork for a computational powerhouse at the Department of Defense Supercomputing Resource Center (DSRC) at Aberdeen Proving Ground.

DoD's High... More

The most recent High Performance Computing Modernization Program Technology Insertion will allow a predictive modeling and simulation capability that was not possible before.

ARL opens unique combustion research lab, studies in JP-8 fuel could lead to "super engine" development

Studies are underway at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) to create a 'super engine' that could allow military ground vehicles, stationary power generators, and small unmanned air vehicles, for example, to operate with the same kind of fuel.... More

ARL's Combustion Research Laboratory, located within the Vehicle Technology Directorate, enables unique research capability within DoD.



Provide the underpinning science, technology, and analysis that enable full-spectrum operations.


America's Laboratory for the Army: Many Minds, Many Capabilities, Single Focus on the Soldier.




Dr. John Pellegrio, Director (A)

Dr. John Pellegrino, Director (A)


ARL, Battelle team to inspire young women in science, engineering careers

The U.S. Army Research Laboratory Fellow, Dr. Melanie Will-Cole, spearheaded an initiative last year that brought together high school girls from Aberdeen's Science and Math Academy with professional women who have had successful careers in STEM fields. Plans are currently underway for another ARL Young Women in Science and Engineering College and Career Workshop.

Date: October 24, 2012
Length: 7:51