If you only have time today for two news sites, because maybe you're trying to live a private and productive life in the civil society or something, and you have already figured out the elitist lamestream media is lying to you ...
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Daily Caller                      Breitbart

... and now that you are fully informed and up to date, if you have additional disposal time, scroll down to enjoy my unique brand of editorial genius. Read the archive - it's why I bothered, for chrissake!

Cartoon and/or photoshop of the day(ish) #1

Cartoon and/or photoshop of the day(ish) #1
Trust me - you are on the Redistributionist-In-Chief's menu whether or not you think of yourself as "rich." From Townhall Cartoons ...

Cartoon and/or Photoshop of the Day(ish) #2

Cartoon and/or Photoshop of the Day(ish) #2
Our black guys are smarter than their black guys. From The Looking Spoon ...

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Demotivational Susan Rice

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

No Rest For the Weary in the Community-Agitator-In-Chief's America

No sooner do I declare a slow down in the means of production for posts to this blog, and Team Leftie manages to do what it always does best - inflict chaos and mob violence upon the republic. No rest for the weary.

The former automobile production capital of the world - Michigan - has made itself the 24th "Right to Work" state in the union. Michigan is the former automobile production capital of the world because unionized automobile workers have demanded more benefits for less work year after year, parasitically driving their host companies into a permanent state of non-competitiveness.

By becoming a "Right to Work" state, Michigan has granted its citizens the right to gain employment without subjugating themselves to the constraints of unionized collective bargaining. In other words, Michigan's citizens now enjoy the liberty to negotiate their own deals. Also freedom from the mandatory blackmail that is union dues, which is the vehicle union bosses use to skim off their personal fortunes and feed the campaigns of union friendly politicians to complete the circle of corruption.

The union thug division of Team Leftie reacted in the predictable manner - the passion and violence of the mob, far surpassing anything the corrupt and biased liberal media was ever able to isolate for you at any TEA Party rally.

Check out the Guy Fawkes mask at 1:04 of this video ... Occupy, Unions, it's all Team Leftie, and its all the same program - give us free stuff or we'll destroy your stuff ...

Fox News Contributor Steven Crowder took one on the chin (go to @0:41)...

Then publicly issued the manly challenge (I'm betting on the fit young conservative and against the fat old thug in the cage.)

All just another day in the Community-Agitator-In-Chief's America.


My favorite pull quote from the linked Daily Caller article comes from one of Team Leftie's grass roots own:
Seventh-grade teacher Jack Johnson, of East Lansing, said the GOP’s goal was obvious: “You take away money from the unions and they can’t support the Democratic candidates, and the Republicans take over.”
Exactly, dummy. Now get back to work lowering our kids' test scores.

Update 2:10 pm

Corrupt and biased legacy liberal media doing its usual worst to prop up Team Leftie.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Why Bother?

The mission of this blog - chronicling at a macro level the ass clown kabuki that passes for national governance these days - stands at an obvious point of stasis.

The present main event, of course, is the game of political chicken over the fiscal cliff. There are really only three (3) possible outcomes.

1. The Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama caves on his only real condition - raising tax rates on the "rich" (also known as your employer, for most readers.) Likelihood is next to nil. As his "base" sees it, he's already caved at least twice on this, and the most recent election was a Leftist mandate to soak Peter to pay for more free stuff for Paul.

2. The Republicans cave on the Empty Suit's "soak the rich" demand, as I predicted would happen in my November 8 post, in order to avoid the fiscal cliff. This still remains the most probable outcome, because the Republicans are serious, if politically outmatched, people - and jumping off the cliff isn't in their DNA. (You better believe it's in the Empty Suit's DNA - Cloward and Piven much?)

3. We go over the cliff, as I recommended to the Republicans in my November 30 and December 3 posts, in order to draw a line in the sand for historical purposes. The economy is already f*cked anyway, owing to the Empty Suit's re-election, so let all the people who re-elected him feel the full effect of his Saul Alinsky inspired governance immediately. Let's just get the chaos started in order to get it over with.

I think we can be confident the decision will come on or about December 31st, so why waste any time in the mean time with the bloviators and pontificators sifting through the meaningless details?


So, in order to conserve energy for the remaining four years of governance under the Agitator-In-Chief, posting will be light here for December. Oh, there will surely be the annual retrospective - it's the process and I'm a process guy. But, aside from that, and rotating cartoons and photoshops through the header on my usual daily(ish) pace, I don't think there will be much activity.

Which is OK by me, because I have many end of year duties to the civil society staring me down. Like my 2012 business tax return. And not to mention the fact that my current client is involved in its annual Rube Goldberg inspired project close out cycle dance of a thousand headless chickens. Hey, it's DC, after all. Lately I find myself thinking a lot about maybe moving to North Dakota and getting me some of that private land oil boom.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Skunked Again!

For the third consecutive year, some guy named John Hawkins has failed to recognize the phenomenon known as LibertyAtStake. What's a genius to do to get noticed around here?

I did notice a fair amount of overlap between his "best" list and my blog roll. And many on his side of the Venn diagram are likely to appear on my roll when the 2013 expansion occurs.

So, I'm thinking this Hawkins character is educable. Perhaps all he needs is an impromptu visit from Uncle Guido, aka "Knuckles the Deal Maker."

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Shut The B*tch Down (Explaining The Method To The Madness)

The Republicans are destined to lose the political debate over the fiscal cliff and debt ceiling. This destiny is determined by two prime factors:

(1) Corrupt and biased liberal media acting as praetorian guard for the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama.

(2) Low information voting public easily misled by previously mentioned praetorian guard into believing the most ridiculous propaganda.

These two realities have been amply chronicled by this blog, and various others including all on my blog roll. Further belaboring what should be obvious to the most casual observer by now would just put my eyeballs at risk of falling out from too much rolling.

The Republicans need to accept this reality, and realize they are playing not to win today's political food fight. They are playing to history.

Here's how they can do it...

This side of the January 1 Cliff ...

(1)Continue to make a public show of negotiating in good faith on both spending and revenue. History will note the contrast with Democrat bad faith on spending and myopic obsession with raising rates to raise revenue. (Side note: My favorite proposal for showing seriousness on revenue without raising rates is an annual cap on deductions claimed - high enough to not touch middle income taxpayers, low enough to raise the ubiquitously discussed $800B number from high income earners. Plus it's simple enough a concept it might even be beyond the capacity of the Leftist propaganda machine to misrepresent to the clueless voting public as an evil Republican trick. Though I'm not sure I'd bet a nickel on it.)

(2)Do *Not* agree to any rate increases. History will note the Democrats held the entire negotiation hostage to their "my way or the highway" revenue condition - raise rates on top earners (aka job creators).

(3)Do *Not* agree to Democrat demands to grant new dictatorial powers to the Empty Suit, allowing him to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling. (Side note: If the GOP does fold on this condition, TEA Party 2013 will make TEA Party 2009 look like a walk in the park.)

Let the Empty Suit take us over the cliff. History will attach blame for the economic damage to him, and record the cliff dive was made necessary by his politics. The republic will survive the cliff dive because the Founders designed it to.

When the Debt Ceiling is reached ...

(1) Refuse to raise it.

(2) Pass legislation prioritizing debt service first, entitlements second, and all discretionary spending a distant dead last.

History will record the math showed debts and entitlements could be serviced with no threat of default, provided the Executive chose to spend in priority order. If the Empty Suit drives the nation into default by choosing other priorities, history will record the disastrous decision as his. The republic will survive a shut down of the federal government because the Founders designed it to.

If the American people were stupid enough to re-elect the radical Saul Alinksy community agitator to a second term, perhaps they are still smart enough to learn from the history auto-generated by his re-election. (Side Note: We're not even up to Inauguration Day yet. There's no telling what chaos this demagogue will inflict upon the republic in the next 1508 days. Strap on your crash helmets, folks - we have a lot of history to live through in the next 1508 days.)

Update 12/6/12

Give the toddler tyrant an inch, and he wants a mile. Or, more to the point, try to give him his trillion dollar new revenue check, and he won't even take it unless he gets a blank check on the matching tab - your grandchildren's.

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Shut The B*tch Down, If That's What It Takes.

Team Leftie still refuses to negotiate in good faith on spending, and even demands Congress grants dictatorial powers to the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama over the looming debt ceiling decision.

Dive off the cliff. Why not? Team Leftie is prepared to do it if they don't get their way completely.

Then when Leviathan's spending addiction hits the legal debt limit (again!) in a few weeks, shut the b*tch down, and let's see who notices. The nation is now evenly divided between makers and takers - trust me, it's the takers who need Leviathan's teat to be an open faucet. (Or is the better analogy "running toilet"?)

It's time for the House of Representatives to do the job We The People elected them to do in 2010, and again in 2012. If Team Leftie won't negotiate on spending, and wants a dictatorship to mandate unlimited debt - shut the b*tch down!.

Update 12:10 pm

The Glittering Eye blog has one proposal with a "balanced approach." But, of course, the inevitable conclusion is nothing of the sort is achievable ... because in DC "all reason is fled." That's what you get when you re-elect a Saul Alinsky radical community agitator to "lead" the Executive branch.

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Let's Just Strap On the Crash Helmet, Dive Off the Cliff, And Get It Over With (It's What Cloward and Piven Would Want)

As of this moment, I'm with the editors of the Daily Caller on this "Fiscal Cliff" lunacy. It is once again clear the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama has no intention of exercising any leadership over complex budget negotiations, nor does he have any interest in discussing the out-of-control-spending side of the equation. The only thing he wants to discuss is tax rate hikes that do practically nothing to offset the growth in spending, but will undoubtedly harm a slow growth economy showing signs it is poised to stop growing altogether. (The official four week average for new jobless claims hovers around the universally recognized tipping point of 400,000. The trend in this number has showed no improvement for over a year, as a matter of fact).

The Daily Caller makes a decent argument in support of taking the shock treatment of the Fiscal Cliff. The shock will be felt both politically and economically. But very differently in each case. The shock to the rotting, decrepit, political infrastructure could lead to a public awakening that might further lead to meaningful reform of the system. The shock to the naturally resilient free market - still free enough despite the best efforts of the Empty Suit's administration to socialize every aspect of it - will be profound, but not fatal.

The Caller's conclusion hits the nail on the head.
No matter what happens in Congress next month, regardless of what Obama tells audiences as he stumps for his plan around the country, the basic equation won’t change: Entities that spend more than they take in eventually go under. That is true for businesses, and ultimately it is true for governments, too, because math is immutable.
In the long run, math is worth running on. Republicans don’t have a lot of good choices right now (politically). They might as well try it.

Ever on the leading edge of monitoring Leftist subterfuge, however, I will add another reason to the mix. Everything the Empty Suit has done in office with regard to spending, budgets, fiscal policy, entitlements, and taxes has convinced me he has been governing from the Cloward and Piven playbook all along. Put simply, he means to burn the village called 'capitalsim' to the ground in order to save it (by his lights). Once capitalism is reduced to a smoldering cinder, he will rebuild the village in the shining image of socialism (again, by his lights.)

Remember the Great Debt Ceiling Debacle of 2011? Speaker Boehner was on the verge of closing a so-called "Grand Bargain" with his caucus, when the Empty Suit scuttled the deal at the eleventh hour with ridiculously absurd new revenue demands. Then he proposed this very sequestration / fiscal cliff mouse trap, and the hapless GOP establishment leadership fell into it. Who would do that, a President with the nation's interest in mind, or a Saul Alinsky radical operating from the Cloward-Piven playbook?

Who would create a "new normal" with his first federal budget - trillion to trillion and a half dollar annual deficit - then ensure the persistence of this "new normal" by failing to perform his legal duty to pass a budget three years running? A President with a sense of duty, or a Saul Alinsky radical operating from the Cloward-Piven playbook?

Who would agree in December 2009 - when the GDP growth number was higher than it is today - that raising taxes is not something you do in a soft economy, yet dig in his heels on tax rate increases now? A President with consistent economic theories, or a Saul Alinsky radical doing what is politically expedient to further the Cloward-Piven agenda?

By the way, I'm not the only one who sees this connection. It might be time to start asking "Stupid or Treasonous?" again. The case is building.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Benghazi Truthing, November 27

Susan Rice met privately today with the usual Senator suspects, in an apparent effort to grease her appointment as Secretary of State. She apparently failed to convince them she was anything but a useful idiot or bald-faced liar on the Sunday show circuit.

Hat Tip to Nice Deb's "hot of the presses" blogging.

Looks like Team Barry's false narrative needs a little work. "Poor pitiful underprivileged black female Stanford and Oxford grad tricked by evil white male fall guy James Clapper into innocent show of gross stupidity" isn't flying. Barry might yet get that duel with Lindsey Graham he told us he wants in the last press conference. Or first press conference in 8 months - they really should have learned by now not to let Barry out without the teleprompter. What's the over/under on the next press conference now? I'd say at least 6 months.

Update 11/28/12

Memo to White House SpokesModel Jay (Mr. Shipman) Carney: The question is "who altered the talking points?" and the question remains unanswered. "The Intel Community" is not a "who." We need a name. You've tried Clapper. You've tried "FBI". You've tried "CIA" - twice. The lies aren't flying.

Update #2 11/28/12

Well, Jay, my boy, if the President is interested in finding out what happened in Benghazi - why doesn't he just describe to us what his entire administration was watching in real time.

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Election 2012 Post-Mortem (For Dummies)

This is the second and final election 2012 analysis piece I shall post here. It is the follow up to my November 13 post “Election 2012 Post-Mortem (Executive Summary)” – from which the key takeaway was:
3. Looks like I got the answer to my May 8 post, “How Stupid *is* My Republic?”

4. Demographics are destiny, and Team (R) needs to figure out how to reach the great mass of clueless, uninformed, vulnerable, and mathematically challenged in the emerging demographics – without pandering to them by offering more free stuff paid for by somebody else. That would mean merely joining Team (D) as part of the problem, like the Bush/Hastert 2000-2006 RINO coalition did.
In this follow-up I shall explain how to accomplish this in terms so simple even the perpetual losers in the country club dining room establishment GOP will be able to understand.


First of all - and proving once again there is a great Kinks song for every situation – the GOP needs to figure out how to “Give the People What They Want.”

Where’s Dave in this video? And did Ray place the gluttons in Dave’s usual position, Stage Left, as some sort of snarky commentary on Dave’s location at the time the video was shot? Never mind, back to the point …

I don’t mean demagogically pandering with endless offers of free stuff paid for by somebody else! Pay attention! It’s about the messaging, not the goods, dummies!


Let’s take a moment to break down who these people are, shall we?

Well, for one thing, they will vote for Obama even though they oppose his actual policies. Really. The question is … why so stupid, Iron man? Maybe Iron Man doesn’t know a damn thing about who’s policies are whose, and only looks at surface of things. D’ya think?

Howard Stern found people who think Paul Ryan is black, and Obama’s running mate, and don’t even know Bin Laden is dead. Really. Anyone this information impoverished should be detained for their own safety.

Voting rights are available to people who know nothing of American history and traditions. Possibly because they have been educated by a public school system that has devolved into a Leftist indoctrination mill.

Voting rights are extended to people who will believe the most ridiculous assertions, possibly because they get all of their information from the corrupt and biased Leftist lamestream media.


So, how do you get through to these people, GOP? If 2012 proves anything, you need their votes to win a national election. And the Left’s grip on Hollywood, academe, media, and the public school room may be declining – but not fast enough.

I’ll give you a two part answer … pay attention closely … I’ll make it so simple even you perpetual losers in the country club dining room establishment GOP will understand.

Policy and Talking About Policy

Give it too ‘em straight – like a double shot of moonshine. They need to taste it. It’s the only way to break through the fog of confusion the Left has been laboring so hard to create in their minds via decades of media and culture domination. Call a liar out as a liar – and stop asserting he’s a ‘nice guy’ – when he and his minions lie about your record and tax returns. You know what I’m talking about, Mittens.

Call a Saul Alinsky radical out as a Saul Alinsky radical – like Newt did in his South Carolina victory speech - and stop pretending he’s a center left Democrat for the sake of decorum. This is the lesson you failed to learn from your South Carolina primary defeat, Mittens.

Stop listening to Karl Rove and the rest of the old establishment putz cabal pimping themselves out as “consultants”, and start listening to emerging new establishment leaders like Bill Whittle.

This is not “Give the People What They (Think) They Want”. It’s “Give Them What They Need, Whether They Like It or Not.” The Left has methodically removed their capacity for critical thinking, and strong counter-programming is required to pull them back to God’s gift of Reason that was given to us by the Age of Enlightenment.

Packaging the Messenger

This is where “Give the People What They Want” comes into play tactically. The slice of the Leftist cow pie this clueless electorate has been fed, that is least consequential to the election sales cycle, is auto-bias around race, class, and gender. So, let’s just go with it, in a quietly laser focused way for a couple of election cycles. It’s not like we don’t have a strong bench of articulate conservative candidates who are not white, not male, or not both. Mia Love, Allen West, Susana Martinez, Tim Scott, Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz … I could go on and on. Here in Northern Virginia we have an activist who goes by “Tito the Builder” and gives a conservative stump speech that yields to no one. Let’s tap into superficial appearances for a couple of cycles - as the means to smashing its necessity.

Which brings me to advice for the 2016 Presidential nominee, a favorite parlor game for conservatives these days …

Please, not another Bush! Another country club dining room white man would be a sure loser. If the GOP learned anything from the futile Mittens campaign, it has to be this. Yes, Jeb, we all know you’re the smart one in the family … but timing is everything in life. And the timing for a Bush family dynasty has passed. Play your cards right and I bet President-elect Rubio will give you the prime cabinet post of your choosing.

Update 11/26/12

I found this Thanksgiving trip report from David Horowitz to be instructive regarding who the Democrats think their constituents are, if only tangential to my main argument.

Update 11/27/12

Memo to GOP: If you get my point, you will immediately make Kelly Ayotte lead SpokesSenator in the good fight to hold the administration accountable for Benghazi. Senator Ayotte is perfectly articulate and committed to getting to the bottom of the scandal ... and the kids won't hear Charlie Brown's teacher when she speaks (like they have been conditioned to do with all old white males). Screw seniority. Do you want to win, or not?

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Jack Wiley Dithers Exclusive: Lindsey Graham Not Gay - But He *is* Racist and Misoyginistic!

(AP) – Jack Wiley Dithers Reporting 
“If You Can’t Scoop It, Make It Up.” 

After reading the Washington Post's dumbest editorial ever (and, believe me, that's a helluva an achievement), I considered writing a letter to the editor righteous comment board rant. The rant of course would have pointed out the blindingly obvious to the Post's logic challenged editorial board ... i.e it's entirely possible for a thinking human being to be opposed to the Susan Rice nomination on the grounds she showed herself to be either a useful idiot or bald-faced liar when she shamelessly peddled the Nakoula Basseley Nakoula video lie on five consecutive Sunday shows.

But, since WaPo's circulation is now restricted to a few thousand tipsy Georgetown socialites, plus the navel-gazing panty-waisted liberal DC press corps, I didn't waste my time.

Instead, I decided to have a little fun with it. I went to the National Press Club bar, where I am still credentialed (if universally regarded with suspicion), to drown my despondency at the state of today's corrupt and biased liberal lamestream media. About 30 minutes in, I put my little-known ventriloquist skills to work. I threw me voice to the west end of the room - "Republicans are racists!" I threw my voice to the east end of the room - "Republicans are misogynists!" Then recorded the predictable consequence.

I believe the liberal panty-waists claiming racism defeated those asserting misogyny ... but, then again, maybe it was a draw. Equal scores for idiocy.


Chuckling all the way, I made my way to the stately Capitol Hill townhouse owned by Francis Charles Hamilton, Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (VRWC) board member, and purveyor of a well-stocked open bar, to spread news of my exploits.


To my great dismay, Hamilton burst my bubble by telling me he had knowledge the hard core right wing zealouts John McCain and Lindsey Graham were in fact misogynistic racists. McCain had once confided to Hamilton that he (McCain) repeatedly required the black American POWs to go to the back of the line for gruel, when he was ranking POW at the Hanoi Hilton. He also told me the VRWC board knew the source of the rumors Graham is gay - he buys large quantities of women's clothes off the rack not to wear them, but to limit women's choices in the marketplace. Insidiously clever misogyny at work.


Hamilton even produced a recent memo McCain and Graham, stalwart right wing extremists that they are, had circulated among the VRWC board members. I simply must share this memo with the Post's editors so they can finally have a shred of evidence supporting their otherwise ridiculous assertions.


FROM: John McCain and Lindsey Graham, US Senators
TO: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (VRWC) National Board
SUBJ: Susan Rice Nomination for Secretary of State
DATE: September 17, 2012

Gentlemen, thank God there are still no ladies on the board. This weekend we witnessed the spectacle of a potential nominee for Secretary of State claiming a poorly produced YouTube trailer for a low budget film practically no one on Planet Earth has ever seen was the root cause of four American deaths during an Islamist terror attack directed at the American Consulate and associated CIA Annex in Benghazi, Libya. This pathetically misinformed administration spokesperson is both black and female. She is the probable nominee to be the next nominee for Secretary of State. This nomination must be opposed due to her gender and race. I hope you will join us in this worthy cause, since we still can't seem to convince you general amnesty for illegal immigrants is a good idea.

Always Yours in Vast Right Wing Solidarity,

The Honorable John McCain, US Senator
The Honorable Lindsey Graham, US Senator

(AP) – Jack Wiley Dithers Reporting 
“If You Can’t Scoop It, Make It Up.” 
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